

Difficult choices made by the commander of Araukaria!

— Are you sure about that, sir? — Evos asks, suspicious — Calling the reason for the problem to solve the problem?

— It seems like a solution that benefits both sides. As well as showing that we recognize Renāto's mistake, he has never spoken out on the matter with the Chimara. Instead, he carries the burden with him and doesn't compete to his full potential in tournaments. We need to show that they weren't the only ones to suffer from it.

— Renāto never spoke to them because he probably feared for his life, sir! If what we know about the Chimara makes us apprehensive, imagine knowing about a legendary musketeer. There has to be another way, Commander. I don't want a simmering tension to turn into a civil war.

— There's no more time to lose, Evos. If there had been another alternative, I would certainly have considered it. Now, order your soldiers to go to Renāto and give him the following message: "The Shirei-kan summons you to discuss the case of Gurētofue 36". In this way, he will understand the reason for your summons.

— But, sir...

— The orders are given, officer. — Gurenaru said, with a serious tone — You may withdraw.

— Yes, Shirei-Kan.

As Evos left his presence, Gurenāru II turned towards the stained-glass image of his parents, sighing deeply with a worried expression.

— What would you do in my place, father? — thought the commander out loud — I believe I would take a great action, one that would leave no doubt.

Then he smiled slightly:

— And you, Mom, what would you tell him to do? I'm sure I'd give him the best advice in the world, one that even the greatest musketeer of all time would listen to. How I wish you were here...

Evos had always dreamed of being part of the royal guard, especially when he witnessed the three Legendary Musketeers in action. Today there is only one left, and the cause of that loss has left deep wounds in the officer. Wounds that are almost impossible to heal.

Evos arrives at the musketeers' barracks and puts his worries aside to do his duty.

— Musketeers!

Musketeers reply in unison: "Yes, sir!"

— The great commander demands Renāto's presence in his quarters. I need two of you to leave for Kimaran and summon him for a peace mission. I know it's a long journey, but that's what you've been trained for, isn't it?

Evos looks at Lup and Telly, who are whispering about their mission, and says helplessly:

— Lup! Telly!

— Yes, gur... Er, I mean, Sir! — replied Lup, taken aback.

— Yes, sir!

— You have been chosen to go and meet the kyapen Renāto. When you meet him, give him the following message: "The Shirei-kan summons you to discuss the case of Gurētofue 36."

Lup and Telly exchange uneasy glances.

— Gurētofue 36? — Telly asks

— Master Renāto won't like the message at all.

— Is the commander sure about this?

— Honestly, I don't know. I just know that an order is an order, and we must carry it out. Is that clear?

They both reply: "Yes, sir"

The Araukaria region is made up of three districts: Dō no Mori, on the left, predominantly inhabited by the Chimara; Berugamotto, the center, and the capital; and Kimaran, on the right, a predominantly urban area inhabited by various races.

The next day, near the border between Berugamotto and Kimaran, Lup and Telly walk towards the center of Kimaran, in search of information about Renāto's whereabouts.

— I don't know, guri. It doesn't seem right to me.

— What is it this time, Lup? — Telly asks, rolling his eyes

— Renāto, Chimara, Kosuta... I hope Shirei-Kan knows what he's doing.

— I hope so too, Lup. But at the end of the day, we can only follow orders and hope that this tension is resolved without bloodshed.

As they walk through a wooded area, they both hear a voice.

— Look at that. The little velvet soldiers...

Suddenly, they are surrounded by a group of thieves, armed to the teeth.

— What do you want? — Telly says, apprehensively — We're under the orders of the Shirei-Kan. Don't get in our way.

— Ah... Are you? — laughs the leader of the rogues — Because all I see are two boys playing musketeers.

— How about handing over everything you've got before you get hurt?

— Or before they get poisoned? We're good at that, believe me!

Lup whispers to Telly:

— Have you trained your Dentō?

As Lup spoke, Telly snapped his fingers in the hope of conjuring something, but all he found were faint blue sparks.

— Damn, I haven't had time to hone my technique.

— Me neither, kid. I knew it would cause us problems one day. So what do we do? There are five of them!

— I can count, Lup! Let's fight. After all, we're musketeers. Evos didn't trust us by chance.

So the two of them draw their rapiers and challenge the rogues. Suddenly, a crash echoes nearby. The source of the noise approaches a figure of medium height, wearing a pair of overalls, with hair that is completely missing and confused. It was someone who clearly wouldn't have caused a bang like that on his own.

The two musketeers then chorused with relief: "Futomo!"

[Dokutā futomo shiro(Futomo) 

 Chariku's Kyapen: Senzo

 Kai: Rādokūto]

— Look at this — says the kyapen, wiping soot off his overalls — Musketeers! Sorry about the racket, it's just that my tests are pretty explosive.

An unexpected appearance! What can Futomo do?

Updating Chapter for better reading and understanding :)

SilasSantoscreators' thoughts
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