
An Invitation

Eleanor watched as the mother and son duo slowly grew distant as they strode across the Black monor's courtyard.

She saw the large black steel gates swing open and released a sigh of relief as the two passed the wards.

That was the moment all the strength in her legs disappeared, and she fell backwards.

A gasp escaped Victoria's mouth and she quickly caught the six-year-old girl.

"Your highness, are you alright?" she asked, panic lacing her voice.

Waving her hand lazely, Eleanor slowly closed her now crystalline eyes, "I am fine,"she took in a long breath, "I just need some rest."

Nodding, Victoria reached behind Eleanor's legs and lifted her up bridal style.

A serien smile garced the young girl's lips as she slowly drifted off into a deep slumber.

Eleanor didn't know how much time had passed when she finally returned to consciousness, but the bright light that shone through her curtains indicated that it was daytime.

Groaning, she slowly sat upright, her whole body was aching in pain, and she massaged her arms in an attempt to relieve herself of it.

Licking her lips she moicend them since they had grown quite dry while she rested.

Her curtains then shifted and a ray of light hit her face, she squinted her eyes in annoyance.

Raising her arm she blocked out the sun, only then did she notice the goblet of blood sitting on her nightstand.

Her stomach rumbled, and Eleanor blushed in embarrassment, even though no one had heard it except for her.

Grabbing hold of her stuffy blanket she threw them off and rolled over to her nightstand where her meal was waiting.

She felt her mouth water up as she gazed at the red liquid, reaching out she grabbed the goblet.

Placing it to her lips Eleanor took in the pleasurable smell of blood, it filled her with a warm feeling of excitement.

Closing her eyes she tilted the chalice upwards, a feeling of ecstasy filled her as the blood flowed over her tongue slowly filling her mouth.

She swallowed and a warm feeling slowly descended into her stomach, reinvigorating her.

Her mouth overflowed and blood flowed down the sides of her face, as it dropped onto her white nightgown it left red splotches.

She gasped as the last drops of blood flowed down her tongue and into her Esophagus.

Her face was red with ecstasy as the freshly ingested blood worked it's way around her body and into her brain.

Still smiling she led down, but just as she touched the sheets, Eleanor let out a yelp of surprise, they were damp.

Spinning around she gazed at her previously white sheets, that had now been dyed blood red.

A sigh of exasperation left her lips and she slowly stood up realising only then that her nightgown had also changed colour.

Grabbing hold of it's edges she quickly pulled it over her head ripping a corner of it in the process.

Another annoyed grown left her lips, and she threw the garment to the floor, stomping over to the long silver rope that hung from the ceiling she pulled it so hard that she heard the bell up to her room.

Sighing Eleanor trudged over to her closet and swung it open.

Grabbing a pair of white silk panties she slipped them on just in time, before Victoria burst into the room breathless.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" she outed and rushed towards Eleanor, stumbling backward.

The young girl raised her arms to protect her face but the moment she and Victoria touched she felt the older woman's arms wrap around her protectively.

A sob wracked Victoria's body and she held the princess tighter, "I-I'm so glad you're awake."

Eleanor frowned but hugged her maid back nonetheless.

"Um, Victoria, what happened?" Eleanor asked, her confusion obvious.

Releasing the small girl, Victoria stepped back and whipped her eyes, "Oh yeah, right," she sniffed, "You… you've been asleep for over three days."

Eleanor frowned, she wasn't sure she had heard Victoria correctly, "Three days?"

The maid nodded, and sighing Eleanor strode over to the nearest chair and sat down.

"Tell me what happened while I was sleeping!", the princess ordered, while massaging her temples.

Righting her disheveled dress Victoria cleared her throat, "Well, I found a priest that might be inclined to help you, he's quite libaral, so I don't think he's be overly discontent over your," Victoria paused, "Physical situation.

He lives in Kirkbymoorside, a small hamlet in York.

I would suggest we visit him next week, I heard that they have a festival then, he won't be as preoccupied."

Eleanor stroked her chin thoughtfully, "Anything else?"

Victoria nodded, "Yes, two new letters, one from Gringotts and one from Lady Malfoy."

"I will look at them later, for now I just want to have a nice warm breakfast." Eleanor said, sighing.

Finishing up her breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, toast and a cup of warm milk, Eleanor who had her fiery red hair tied back into a singular french braid that hung over her shoulder, motioned Victoria to come over, "Could you please fetch me the letters."

Victoria smiled, and reaching behind her back pulled out the two letters, "I already have them here, your highness."

Eleanor nodded gratefully and her maid stepped back, leaving a letter opener behind.

She first opened the letter with the Malfoy crest on it, a massive silver M on a black and green field surrounded by two dragons.

Unfolding the paper, she started reading.

Dear Eleanor

I Narcissa Malfoy thank you for your invitation and the following tea party.

The cakes were very delicious, please thank your maid on my behalf.

From what my son has told me he enjoyed his visit to Black Manor immensely and wishes to meet you again.

I do hope we can meet again, and soon.

Maybe at Malfoy Manor if that is convenient, my husband would love to meet you.

I also wish to formally invite you to the tea party the other noblewomen and I partake in every month.

The next one will be on the fifteenth of Juli, at Malfoy Manor.

PS. If you want to, you can take your maid with you.

I hope you are well

Narcissa Malfoy née Black

Putting down the letter Eleanor smiled, she would attend the party and make new connections to reclaim her throne.

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