

They introduced the idea of this treatment to the prince. He was willing to try anything and everything that could have the slightest chance of working.

Serenica agreed with this course of action as well. She tried a few treatments of her own on him, and none of them seemed to work at all. The death of a part of a person's will was as final as anything.

Ed built a strange device with some rags soaked in a specific kind of liquid and some plates made out of two different types of metal. He connected this device to two long rods of metal and made a small cut in the lower back of the prince.

"This may not be deep enough, but I don't dare to mess with his body more severely."

He connected the other ends of those two rods to the cut. The Dreamer's toes twitched a little, but when the rods were disconnected, the limbs remained limp.

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