

Lucifer had summoned Nocturnal Phantom, and Noctural Phantom, as he was called by Lucifer, his Lord, he naturally came out.

He was now standing right in front of Lucifer, and his body...was not that small either.

He was back in full health...if one were to describe how big the dark fog that composes his body was.

Of course, Oumu was able to see this very clearly, and he was shocked.

Nocturnal Phantom is the one who took Lucifer's full blast earlier, and his body has shrunk so small that he was not even visible anymore.

And now, his body is restored just like that.

Oumu, of course, can not believe something like this, and that was why he was shocked.

After all, even if he does not believe in it, it was still the truth that Nocturnal Phantom is right here in front of him.

And that...is enough proof that Nocturnal Phantom is indeed fine after taking such a devastating blow from Lucifer.

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