

"I believe that you are Raya Pazier without asking for any proof, so you better believe me that I am Lucifer." Lucifer said.

It seems that Lucifer wanted to reassure Raya Pazier that he is indeed Lucifer.

Usually, Lucifer wouldn't even give a fuck if people didn't believe that he was indeed Lucifer.

However, thanks to this mysterious feeling that Lucifer got just now, he tried to reassure Raya Pazier that he was indeed Lucifer.

That was not all as Lucifer himself, not just because of this mysterious feeling that he got just now, wanted Raya Pazier to believe him.

It was something that Lucifer never thought would actually want to do himself, but well.

Lucifer couldn't help but want to do it, which is why he tried to reassure Raya Pazier that he is indeed Lucifer with that line.

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