
Old man

Lucifer and Asgo were able to enter the room by opening the door.

They didn't have any hesitations, and it seems like they didn't give a fuck even though they were late.

Well, the examiner of the First Academy would probably know why they were late.

Lucifer thought that they would be pardoned for being late as it was not his fault.

It was the princess' fault for having Lucifer held up back then.

However, it seems Lucifer was wrong in this one as he heard a voice resound out in his ears as soon as he entered the room.


"Late! Late! Late! Late!"

"You bastards are LATE!!!"

And when Lucifer heard the voice that just screamed, he quickly turned his head here and there to look for the source.

After all, someone just dared to shout at Lucifer!

Well, Lucifer was not mad or angry about it as he knew that he had to control his anger.

However, Lucifer wanted to see the face of the bastard who shouted out loud.

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