Ling Siqi said gently, "My son has a father, his biological father, and I have a husband. I am not a single mother. My child was sick but now he has completely recovered. It's true that my son is here, but he is now with his father. He will not be staying with me.
"Wang Qining, I might be a college student with a child but my little boy isn't the child of those bastards that you prepared for me. My son and my husband are the best people in the world. I will not allow you to slander them in this manner!
"You can sue me as you please, but I have already told my husband about what happened five years ago and we will find the culprit behind what happened. No matter if it was my husband or me, we will never forgive who it was. I hope that you didn't become my friend in order to use me and end up being the person who drugged me. If you were the person who tried to get me gang-raped and ruined my reputation in college, I will…"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: