
Uzaki-chan? - 4

"You don't feel like a devil," the man casually commented, "You some form of magician type folk or you a Sacred Gear holder boy?"

That trench coat of his looked kind of familiar.

"I don't see how it's any of your business," Kaito replied, something was off with this guy. Beyond the fact he clearly knew of the supernatural, his gaze made Kaito's skin prickle and his hair stand on end, "I'm just doing my own thing, so I'd prefer if you left me alone."

"Can't do that I'm afraid son, I'm a man of God you see and I'm on a divine mission to strike down the heathens that plague this here world," the man grinned at him, baring his teeth, "And y'know, this here town is run by devils, so when I see me a boy all alone and suspicious in alley way and he gets all glowy and not with the light of the lord above, I find myself having to check it out just in case he be up to some nefarious shenanigans, you get me?"

Just his fucking luck. No seriously, running across that idiot this morning and now this. It was like he was drawing them to himself, was he magnet for stupid supernatural crap now?

And to make it worse, going by the way this guy was talking. He was an exorcist.

Most likely one of the strays that were part of the group that worked under Raynare and her cronies.

"I've got nothing to do with Sitri or Gremory," Kaito replied, clenching his fists and preparing himself for a fight just in case, "I'm human."

He withheld the fact he was a Sacred Gear holder. He didn't know what he would do with that information. He just knew Raynare killed Issei over his and stole Asia Argento's.

Who knew what they would attempt if they knew he had one?

"Nah, you're a heathen boy, I can tell," the man scoffed, denying his words completely, "Ain't no way you ain't connected to them disgusting demonic whores when you know their names! Just another lost lamb, but don't worry son, Papa Pastor Rob will send you back to the embrace of our dear lord above where he can cleanse you of the filth tainting you."

Of course, what did he expect?

He remembered the stray exorcists were a bunch of crazy fuckers from the memories of his other self.

The man reached into his trench coat and pulled out two items. One, was a gleaming silver futuristic looking one handed pistol reminiscent of some form of magnum.

While the other was a simple handle. That, then with a press of a button on it, hummed and hissed as a gleaming white blade of energy formed from it.


"Oh holy lord above, forgive this lost lamb, in the name of I, the all cleansing Pastor Rob, I shall send him to Je-"

Hell the fuck no. The man outright started monologuing to himself as if he were truly speaking to God.

Kaito was already prepared as he began speaking though. With a thought, twin flashes of light erupted from his fists and in an instant, they were covered in twin black and gold gauntlets.



All of his physical abilities sky rocketed, increasing four times over thanks to the pair of Twice Critical he owned and he pushed off, rushing forward as fast he could.

The mans eyes widened at the sudden rush and he tensed, preparing to swing his glowing blade-

A split second later, his gauntlet clad fist smashed into the exorcists jaw with all his strength and bodily lifted the man up before he could finish complete his swing or even finish speaking.

Taking no chances, Kaito followed through with his punch and carried him with it, driving the trench coat clad man up and down into the ground, hard.

He jumped back away from the man after that, expecting a counter of some kind.

Only none came.

Pastor Rob as he called himself, was laying on his side, eyes rolled up into the back of his head and the indent of his guantlet clad fist visible on his cheek. Blood was pooling out of his open mouth, and Kaito swallowed heavily when he noticed multiple teeth on the ground, having fell from his mouth.

"…What?" Kaito just stared.


…That was it?

One punch was all it took?

Wasn't this guy supposed to be a supernatural exterminator or something? Like, he knew vaguely from his inherited memories, that even Hyoudou had kicked the crap out of a few of these guys within a week of reincarnating as a devil and having no training whatsoever.

But…that was it? Even that loser from this morning put up a way better fight than that.

He was expecting this guy to be stronger, or at least roughly on the same level. But no, this guy was way weaker.

Kaito stared for a few moments, just absolutely lost, and honestly, a bit disappointed.

Like, what was his guy even hoping to accomplish being this weak? How did he ever kill any devils or those affiliated with them if he was this pathetic? Did he just target really weak and vulnerable people?

…But where the hell did the guys confidence come from when confronting Kaito? He was acting like some big shot.

"This day man, I swear." Kaito groaned, rubbing his head.

'Is he dead?' he wondered after a moment and stepped over to the downed man. He crouched over him and pressed two fingers to his neck.

…He could feel a pulse, so he wasn't dead at least.

From the looks of things, he'd broken his jaw pretty badly though. 'Should I call an ambulance or some-' he thought before promptly dismissing the thought.

He didn't need being linked to this guy or anything that went down here. And thinking on it logically, the Fallen and their pet exorcists wouldn't be around for much longer, probably a week at most and no way this guy would be talking about anything before then.

So, Kaito decided to wash his hands of it.

He was about to leave the alley way behind, when he paused, eyes lingering on the light gun and the light sword.

"Well, doubt you'll need them anymore mate." he found himself grinning and proceeded to pry them from the mans grip.

And while he was at it, he rifled through the mans pockets for anything else he had.

And was left disappointed. All the guy had on him was a lighter, some cigarette's and two thousand or so yen.

Clearly being a stray exorcist didn't pay much.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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