
ch 6. new contract and meeting the family

yoongi and jimin were really quiet the next few days. they didnt talk really with each other, or with somebody else. they were in their own world, thinking about their "relationship".

"hey, can u give me the contract?" "whyyyy???" "give it, yoongi!" jimin glared at him. sighing, yoongi stood up from his desk and opened his walltresor, handed jimin the contract.

jimin looked shocked. "what the hell.... it wasnt that thick! oh my god! did u put some pages to it?!" "i did" "but i didnt sign that all!" "in the original is a section to allow me to extent it and u signed it" he gave jimin a smug face. "are u kidding me?! i should have got a lawyer by myself! u cheeky bastard!" jimin was pissed and yanked the papers out of yoongis hands, stormed out of the office and locked the bedroom door. very slowly he went through every paragraph and wrote some notes down.

"i cant belive this....oh...here are the kids...only name one? is he fucking mental?!.....hm....hm....hm....what? i dont think so, mister!....excuse me? nope....nope....." he scratched some sections out. "oh for fucks sake.....seriously?! ....we...wedding?! is he crazy?! a wedding? ....he wants to marry me?....i....what?!" jimin layed confused down and stared up the ceiling. he didnt see that comming.


"ouch...owww....." "what are u doing?" kook turned to look at tae. "are u really trying to get the noodles out with your bare hands?" "how should i do it?" "wow, tae? sit down, let me cook" tae pursed his lips and sat down. "i know i am ..... not good in the kitchen" "u have other qualities, baby" "oh yeah? still" kook gave him a loving smile. they prepared a nice meal for yoongi and jimin. they wanted to play cupits. as kook cooked, tae set the table. "u think the rose petals are to much?" he tilted his head and scant his masterpiece. "looks great!" kook backhugged him and felt satisfied, when tae pressed his weight into him.

"u get jimin, i get my brother. use every force!" tae nodded and pecked kooks lips.


"can u believe this?!" jimin pointed at some sections on the contract. tae sighed. this would take too much time.... "i know... wow.... the audacity....get the pants on...." "i mean... i am fluttered that he thinks i would marry him....but....shouldnt he at least asked first and not just put it into the fucking contract?!.....whats that?" "shirt, a nice one....looks like yoongis, just put it on....and jimin? u sound that u are more pissed, that he didnt asked u, than wrote it down...why cant u see it as a prenup?!" "a fucking prenup? does he think i am a gold digger?! what the fuck?!" as he was cursing, tae dressed him up and styled his hair. tae only nodded occasionally and shoved the spatting sparrow out of the room, pushed him to the dining room. jimin only geared up with his cursing, when he saw yoongi there.

tae rolled his eyes and pointed to kook to disapear.

"u cant be serious!" "with what? i didnt....cook" "who is talking about food?!....oh....that looks nice...and it smells like it too....u cooked for me?" "u sound like i never did" yoongi raised a brow and shoved jimins chair back for him. jimins eyes shone from excitement. they cheered with their wine glasses and started eating. "oh wow! that taste amazing!" "kookie is really good in the kitchen now" "yeah, if tae cooked it, we had to drive to the ER and had to have to pump our stomachs out.... even i cook better" jimin grinned. they stayed silent for a while, enjoyning the food.

yoongi put his fork and knife down, leaned his chin onto his crossed hands and looked at jimin. "so....whats your problem with the contract?" "first: u just added things without telling or asking me, or giving it for me to read, second: ....kids and marriage? didnt u think i would have a say in this?" "oh.... i...hm...sorry, i guess i was afraid" "of what?" "loosing u" "why?" jimin looked really surprised, it made yoongi chuckle. "cause how we started this relationship. i forced u, remember?" "oh now u are confirming it?! wow, took u long! asshole!" yoongi sighed and leaned back. "okay?" "listen.... talk with me, before u add something new, okay?!" "and if we rip the contract into shreds?" "why would u do that?" "maybe we dont need it anymore?" jimin looked shocked and hurt. "u wanna leave me?!" "no! i didnt say that" "but....if we dont have the contract....nothing holds us....together...there would be no reason...for us...." jimin became lower by the word. he looked very distraught. yoongi stood up and walked to him, pulled his chair back and jimin into his arms. "i have a feeling, we dont need a signed paper to be together anyway" jimin backed his head back and stared into yoongis face. "huh?" "are u really that slow? i just confessed to u, idiot" "that was not a confession, shithead!" yoongi grinned and kissed him softly. "it was....its all u get" "cant u fucker just say it once?" "what u wanna hear?" "that u love me and everything is gonna be okay?!" "uh...uhm...uhm..." jimin glared at him with a stern look. "yoongi?!" he hissed impatient out. "uhm....love u...." "what? didnt heard that" "oh come on! i said it!" "nope" "i love u, okay?!" jimin grinned. "nice" "and?" "hm?" "wont u say it back?" "i dont know...." "jimin!" jimin laughed loud, almost collapsed on the floor. "love u, i love u"

"YES!" "FINALLY!" they heard from the kitchen door and looked. kook and tae looked caught and fastly ran away.

"we should thank them" yoongi mumbled. "yeah... now...what are we doing with the contract?... i kinda would like to have a new one" "what?!" jimin shurgged. "it gives me security and i can drag your ass to court, if u ever cheat on me!" yoongi chuckled. "ok, i will let my lawyer know" "and no loopholes!" yoongi clutched his shirt. "u are acusing me of cheating?!" jimin laughed and only gave a "asshole" out.


"hi, dad.....yeah....yeah.....i know....okay.....see u" kook looked at tae and grinned. "dad wants to meet u" "oh.....do i want that?" kook nodded. "u want" "okay...." "dont be scared. he likes u" "ha.... okay" suddenly taes phone went off. "hello?" "hey, taetae...sheldon here and the guys are here too" loud hellos echoed through taes phone. "guys! finally! i was worried. is all okay?" "uhm...u said, if we ever needed a job..." "oh, yeah...u really quit?" "he was an asshole. and he is stupid" tae laughed. "he really is... okay, how about we meet up and i ll go through your resumes and we talk about your options?" "great! text me the location, we will be there" "great! see ya" tae looked happy at kook. "remember the guys who took me? they are looking for new jobs" kook was dumbfounded. "u gave them your number?" "they are nice guys and they quit. i told them i will help them" kook rolled his eyes and shook his head. "tae....wow...." "what?!" "nothing, but u wont going alone there" "what? why? they are nice guys and they helped me" kook tsked and shook his head. "u will not go alone, understood?" "u are unreasonable" tae mumbled.


they met in a coffee shop. 5 scary looking guys, tae, kook and some of kooks men, all cramped together in that small shop.

"soooo....tom. i see that u worked in retail for some years?" tom nodded. "i tried the normal way" "okay....wanna do that again?" tom shrugged. "if somebody would hire me?" "okay....can u make coffee?" "depends, but yeah" "great. go to the counter and introduce yourself. the owner needs a new waiter and barista" tom looked surprised, but smiled, stood up and walked to the owner.

tae smiled satisfied and looked to the next. it took them hours, kook was amazed, how tae handled everything. he found for every guy a job. 2 men would start in the min company, even tho, yoongi didnt know for now. tom got the job in the coffee shop, sheldon would start in a kid daycare. others would start in a backery and so on. tae was happy.

o the way home, kook kissed taes cheek and smiled. "u know, u would make a great manager" "u think? i study economics" "i could see that" "hm...we never talked about our future plans" "i know we should. we will, okay?" tae nodded.


jimin was nervous. he was alone with yoongis father and they sat in his garden. "nice weather" jimin only nodded. "so, why do u love my son?" blunt, wasnt he? jimin gulped. "cause he is amazing" "i heard, he kinda forced u" jimin nodded again and told how they met. he left out the first night together tho. mr. min snickered. "ha ha! u gave him a hard time! thats great! yoongi needs somebody, who isnt buying his bullshit! well done, jimin!" he looked satisfied. "bullshit?" "my son comes unfortunatley after me. he needs a shit load of time to admit to any feelings. he was very shy as a child, u wont belive it!i had to push him to make friends and i made him a bit cold and distant. my bad. but u... u are fantastic! u wont do as he pleased. thats good, he needs a challange!" mr. min grinned widley and sipped on his coffee cup. "oh...okay, thank u?" "so, kids?" "can i finish uni first, please? yoongi is allready a handful and i dont know if i have the nerves to take care of two babies" mr. min bursted out in laughter. he really liked yoongis partner. "when are u done?" "i only have one semester left." "great. no pressure, jimin" jimin looked funny at him and smirked. "no pressure, hu?" mr. min smirked back. "do u wanna look at some embarrassing kid pics of yoongi?!" jimin eagery nodded.


yoongi ran in circles. he was worried. jimin came into the room and yoongi fastly walked to him. "are u alright? was he mean? are u gonna leave me?" "woah! keep calm....and no, your dad was really nice and funny" he grinned. yoongi looked suspicious. "he was? did the man looked like this?" he showed him a pic on his phone. jimin nodded. "yeah, why?" "u said, my dad was nice and funny....i just wanted to make sure, u met the right guy" jimin chuckled and started to undress. "he IS really nice, i dont know why u dont see it. we had a lovley conversation" yoongi still looked funny. "weird...so? what he said?" "that he likes me, he welcomed me into the family and u know" "no? what else?" "i kinda promised him to do our wedding?" "u what?!" yoongi looked shocked. "yeah....he was really eager to do it" "okay? and when will we have it?" he looked a bit sulky. "when u ask me" "why should i ask u?" "oh okay, than when i will ask u" "i want it spectecular! fireworks, flowers, the whole shabang! and u have to kneel!" yoongi grinned and walked out of the room, left a shocked and with an open mouth jimin.


"taehyung...nice name" "thank u, mr. min" "i think u should call me dad, like jimin. we are gonna be a family anyway" "okay....dad" tae grinned. "i heard u helped some men from that asshole hyunmin. he kidnapped u, right?" tae nodded. "they were nice, the guys and they helped me escape" mr. min laughed. he heard the story. "i think nobody is giving u enough credit. u arent so clueless as u present yourself" he crooked a brow and scant taes face carefully. tae smirked. "it seems u are the only one, who noticed" mr. min shook his head. "interesting..... what u want from my son?" "only that he loves me back. i dont have any other intentions." "so so. ...hm... kim family....arent they the big dogs in the south?" tae grimaced. "they have a few companies, but i have no means to inherit any of them. i have enough siblings. i wanna do my own thing" "okay and i dont think your family is happy about it?!" "not really, but i cut ties anyway with them. they didnt really like the fact, that i am with kookie. and i dont care. its my life. i can love who i want. and i need kookie" "good to know. so kook doesnt know all of you?" tae shook his head. "nobody. u are the first" "good, this will be our little secret. what u wanna do, when u finish uni?" tae shrugged. "dont know...get a decent job, i think." "how about u start in one of my companies? i think i will give kook his own branch and he would need help." tae smiled and nodded. "he needs help. he is to tough with the men sometimes. there are other ways to handle things" mr. min laughed. "i see a bright future, son!" "thank u dad" "now....u will want to wait until u are done with uni, before u gonna have kids, right?" "do i? i dont think so.... i want them now, if i am honest." "did u talked with kook?" "yeah. we want them asap. i love kids" mr. min clapped excitedly his hands. "oh! i thought u would want to wait like jimin!" tae snorted. "eh, jimin! he needed ages to admit, he is in love with yoongi. naaaa, i am on the fast lane here! so is kook! we already made arrangements with a surrogate. we have an appointment next week at the doctors office." mr. min looked surprised. "u are fast! great, let me know when i can finally play with my grandkids....whos gonna be, by the way?" "both. we will try with the both of us" "twins...how nice" he rubbed his hands. "hm...can i ask a question?" "sure" "is kook the bottom?!" tae was surprised, but grinned. "only sometimes, dad" "hell....i shouldnt have asked"

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