
God's New Playground

('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

['Albion speaking telepathically']

["Albion talking out loud"]

'A character's thoughts'

Chapter 7: God's New Playground

"Who are you and what do you want with Lord Thanos?!"

On Saturn's largest moon, Titan, multiple aliens used their lances to block the path of two strangers.

Belphegor hissed under his breath and deactivated his cloaking that camouflaged him.

Next to him, Astaroth held a blank look on his face. He turned to the large, red, mentally unstable Demon next to him and said, "You be quiet and let me do the talking. In the meantime, summon Lord Lucifer."

Belphegor hesitantly nodded and immediately opened a communication portal. "Master, we have found Thanos."

Satan replied, "I'll be right there. Actually, I'm bringing the other four Generals with me."

Astaroth turned to the guards, or rather the purple figure sitting on the throne behind them. "I presume you would be Thanos? Our boss would like to meet you. We have summoned him."

Thanos narrowed his eyes. Several seconds later, he spoke. "Guards, leave us." Not wanting to face the wrath of their overlord, they did as they were told.

Belphegor and Astaroth were left alone with their potential ally, waiting for their master to arrive. The tension was so palpable, you could cut it with a knife (16). A portal appeared in the shape of a blood-red pentagram, and from it emerged Satan Lucifer with his other four Demon Generals: Icon of Sin, Cyberdemon, Asmodeus, and Belial.

Satan telepathically communicated with his Generals. "All of you, stand back. Do not get in my way."

"And who might you be?" Said Thanos the Mad Titan.

"... I am a being so feared by Humans that they call me the Devil, leader of Demons, Satan Lucifer, God's mortal enemy. However, even I am not all powerful against my enemies. Thanos, I have heard great things of you, that you are my equal. I propose we become allies."

Thanos smiled evilly. "Oh? Interesting." He rose from his Throne and walked forward, stopping until he was a few feet from the Devil. "You know, in this universe, I cannot see everything that happens, but I have been keeping my eye on a place in Earth called the Underworld, and one faction there calls itself Devils, even though they look Human. From what some of my spies have told me, one of their leaders, as well as a few others, calls himself a Lucifer. If they're Devils, what about you? Where are your Demonkind? And why do you want me as an ally?"

Satan felt his blood boil at the mention of Sirzechs and Rizevim, but after calming himself, he answered the question. "My kind are hidden in a dimension that belongs to only us, one that isn't in here. I want to be your partner because my kind are under attack. This may be the only way I can ensure our survival as well as to make sure our tormentor may be killed."

Thanos frowned. "Who?"

"We call him the Doom Slayer."

The Mad Titan crossed his arms. "If you want to be my ally, prove to me your strength."

Satan, without looking at the gas giant planet, unleashed an insanely powerful shockwave of magic with his left hand, instantly pulverizing all of the other 52 moons orbiting Saturn.

Thanos' eyes widened in surprise for a moment. "That was faster than I expected. Alright, we have a deal. I will summon the others here."

Satan looked at him, confused. "The others?"

Thanos grinned. "My new slaves." He raised his left hand, which held a strange gauntlet. There were small, vacant holes under almost every finger as well as in a spot on the back of his palm. The space under his middle finger held some sort of strange blue gem that glowed as he opened a portal. "This is one of the Infinity Stones, the Space Stone."

The portal was massive and stayed open for a minute before slowly closing, revealing several confused beings. Among these were Susanoo, Izanami, Hades, Baldur, Freya, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Indra, Loki, Fenrir, the Evil Dragons, Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the Old Satan Faction, Cao Cao, the Hero Faction, Kokabiel, and thousands of Rogue Fallen Angels.

"Welcome, minions." They all turned towards Thanos' voice. "You are now my subordinates as well as the underlings of my new partner and his six men. My name is Thanos. Now, introduce yourselves."

They were shocked, especially the gods, but the first to react was Kokabiel.


The others agreed, and channeling nothing but their anger, they all simultaneously conjured the strongest magic they could use and fired it at the eight beings. A huge explosion shook the moon.

"Heh. That's what you-" Rizevim began to speak, but before he could continue, a bright blue light illuminated through the smoke, and suddenly, a black hole appeared, sucking all the smoke away, revealing the ones they attacked to be unscathed and calm with Thanos at the source of the light. "... get."

Thanos sighed. "What do you call yourselves again? Khaos Brigade, was it?"

Hades cautiously replied, "Yes."

Satan glared at Rizevim. Taking one step forward, the beings that attacked them suddenly felt a massive weight pushing them down, forcing them all onto one knee. "KNEEL!" The Demon Lord bellowed, frightening the now-kneeling minions. He sighed as he continued speaking. "Attacking us was the biggest mistake of your life, fake Devil."

Rizevim's eyes widened, gritting his teeth in pain from the pressure. "... What did you say?!"

Satan used the force to pull the Devil as well as Kokabiel towards him, holding them by their necks, choking them. "My name is Satan Lucifer, and I am the real Devil. You maggot Devil scum are no Devils or Demons. You are all fakes who haven't seen actual battle in your shitty existence, and I will enjoy making you my bitch."


"R-Rizevim!" Shouted a worried and furious Katerea.

They were all officially terrified.

. . . . . . .

Meanwhile, on the Kuoh Academy rooftop...

"So, let me get this straight," Issei said. "You are all from different dimensions?"

"Yes, it does appear that way," VEGA said.

Issei pointed at the Master Chief and Arbiter. "And you two are from over 500 years in the future from a different dimension? A super soldier and an alien?"

Chief nodded. "Yeah." Secretly, he is keeping an eye on the Doom Slayer, who is currently anxiously pacing back and forward in an agitated manner.

Issei sighed before he turned to the others that just woke up. "And who might all of you be?"

VEGA spoke. "I am VEGA, the AI of my Human counterpart, the Doom Slayer, who does not talk."

A girl spoke next. She held a sword and had long black-hair with red eyes, wearing an all black shirt and skirt except for a red tie and red belt. "I am Akame. Nice to meet you."

Next was a boy wearing a white cardigan and black jeans. "My name is Ikki Kurogane and this is my girlfriend, Stella Vermillion." He gestured to the pink-haired girl next to him, who nodded at Issei's group.

Issei nodded. "Do any of you have any ideas why you were brought here? I am just as confused as you." This earned him many headshakes, and Issei scratched his head.

Raynare leaned into Issei's ear and whispered, "Darling, it's possible someone brought them here, a god perhaps."

He looked at her with uncertainty. "You really think a god-like being would summon a group this weird?"

She nodded. "I do. It seems someone is getting bored."

Issei grunted. "Hmph. In that case, you will all need to find a place to stay. I can't help you, but I think it would be wise if Akame stayed with Kurogane and Vermillion while the soldiers and alien stick together. I will need one of you in each group to exchange contact information with me though in case something happens; this town isn't exactly safe for us supernatural beings."

The Arbiter tilted his head. "You are not Human?"

Issei nodded. "It's complicated. I was born Human, but now I am a fully fledged Dragon, specifically the Red Dragon Emperor. Anyway, forget about me. Where are you people going to stay?"

"I have plenty of money to buy a mansion if I wanted and even more," Stella said. "Ikki, you should give him your phone number." Her boyfriend nodded and exchanged information with Issei.

"I have tapped into a database that tells me everything there is to know about this town and found a place," VEGA spoke. "Issei Hyoudou, I have sent you a text message."

Issei opened his phone and found a new message that read, 'Hello Issei Hyoudou. This is VEGA. I will send you the address of the place once we get there and make sure it is a safe hideout to use.'

He nodded. "Sounds good. All of you, stay safe and lay low."

. . . . . . .

The next day, Issei walked into class and sat down, looking out the window, resting his cheek on his hand in a bored manner when Rossweisse-sensei walked in.

"Alright, settle down!" Rossweisse began, getting the attention of the class. "We have a new transfer student, and yes they are good-looking, but please be respectful."

The door opened, and in walked a girl that made everyone's jaw drop. She has very long, dark-brown hair tied into a ponytail that reaches her knees, and she possesses blue eyes akin to that of the dark hue of the winter sky. Writing her name on the chalkboard, she introduced herself. "Yo. My name is Arisu Yamauchi. I'm only here for school, so don't get too friendly with me. Nice to meet ya." She came off as careless and cold, maybe even under the delinquent stereotype minus any drugs or gangs, but she didn't care.

Arisu scanned the classroom and locked eyes with Vali, and then Issei for a few seconds before looking away and making her way to the back of the classroom by the wall in the same row but exact opposite side of where Issei sits.

Issei felt a shiver go up his spine. '... Ddraig, was that what I think it was? That aura?'

Ddraig grunted. ('Indeed, partner. She is a pure-blooded Dragon, and a very powerful one at that. She certainly knows that you and Vali are Dragons too, and it doesn't seem like any of your peerage are aware.')

Issei turned to the right to look at Vali, who was seated behind him, exchanging looks of worry with him before he adjusted his position to sit properly and start taking notes for class.

['What do we do, Ddraig?']

('Keep an eye on her. Her aura is oddly similar to another Dragon who I can't quite remember, an offspring of... someone very powerful...')

['What is it?']

('... Nothing. Let's just be civil for now.')

"I am now going to assign all of your partners for this project on Edo history," Rossweisse-sensei announced, and the students began moving spots to work together as she paired them.

"Lucifer is with Katase."

"Yo," Vali nodded towards the pinkette, who blushed at being so close to the Third Prince of Kuoh.

"Murayama is with Phenex." The two smiled and quietly giggled like school girls.

"Shidou is with Raynare." Irina pouted, wanting to be with Issei and not the girl who she sees as her eternal rival in love.

Raynare sat next to her partner. "Let's work hard, Irina." She winked at the former Angel, earning a, "Hmph!" as Irina turned her face away, making Raynare chuckle nervously.

"Yamauchi is with Hyoudou. Don't worry, he is very easy to get along with and is one of my favorite students," Rossweisse-sensei stated before realizing what she just said and awkwardly clearing her throat. "A-Anyway, get to it!"

Raynare, Murayama, and Ravel watched as Issei pulled a seat next to the newest student, and they all giggled quietly at his obvious attraction to her, seeing him blush a little. Irina watched with jealousy.

'Holy fucking goddamn shit, she is as beautiful as Raynare and Akeno!' Issei thought.

He shook his head and purged away any perverted thoughts. Smiling warmly at the girl, he introduced himself to her, and the two began working together.

Arisu sighed, earning a worried look from Issei.

Issei blinked. "Is everything okay?"

She frowned. "Yeah... I have to go talk to the Student Council President and explain why I am here. I am sure you know why concernin' the... political ramifications, if you can even call it that, of trespassin' on their territory."

Issei nodded. "I see. If you want, I can take you there."

Arisu shook her head. "It's fine. I'll just ask Rossweisse-sensei."

Issei shrugged. "I was planning to go there anyway and play some chess with the President. She promised me a weekly match."

She sighed. "Fine, but don't get the wrong idea though! It's not like we're friends or anything!"

The Sekiryuutei chuckled. 'Tsundere'

. . . . . . .


"Yama-chan, should we go?" Issei said without a care in the world, grinning with his eyes closed, annoying the hell out of the ponytailed beauty.

"... Do. Not. Call me that again, you weirdo. Nicknames are reserved for people you're close to, and we ain't close." She glared at him and began walking ahead. Arisu was about to leave the classroom before looking back at him. "You gonna show me where the Student Council room is at or what?! Hurry up!"

Issei nodded. "Yes ma'am."

The walk there was silent.

"... I see. I'll stop by after school. For now, I have another errand to take care of," Arisu said.

Issei nodded. "See ya then, Ya-chan."

She blushed, but then she slapped him. "I-IDIOT!!!" Arisu ran away at blazing speed.

Issei laughed nervously. 'I should probably apologize to her the next time I see her.'

He entered the Student Council room and was greeted by stares to his red cheek.

"... What happened to your cheek?" Tsubasa asked.

Issei smirked sheepishly. "Well, there is a new transfer student, a girl who I just met, and she got mad at me for giving her a cute nickname. Heh."

Sona sighed, Tsubaki adjusted her glasses with her eyes closed, and Saji shook his head.

"A new student? We have yet to meet her," Said Sona.

"She said she will stop by after school," Issei clarified.

Tsubasa walked over to a fridge and came back with an ice pack. She smirked at him. "Here ya go, Hyoudou."

"Issei. You all can call me Issei, and thank you, Yura-senpai."

She shook her head. "No prob, and call me Tsubasa."

He nodded. "So... Are you up for a game, Pres?"

Sona nodded.

. . . . . . .

Kuoh Rooftop

Arisu leaned over the railing of the roof, her hands on her cheeks to help rest her head, deep in thought.

{'Looks like we found the hosts of Albion as well as Ddraig.'}


{'What will you do?'}

'... I'm not sure. For now, I will continue my observation to see if the Sekiryuutei is as worthy as you say, father.'

To Be Continued


(16) Oversimplified's YouTube video The American Revolution Oversimplified Part 1

Issei's Harem (same as peerage members, most to least powerful, will not change):

Issei Hyoudou (Mutated King)

Arisu Yamauchi (OC, Six Mutated Pawn Pieces)

Raynare (Main Girl, Queen)

Akeno Himejima (Knight)

Kuroka Toujou (Bishop)

Irina Shidou (Rook)

Tsubasa Yura (Knight)

Rossweisse (Rook)

Ravel Phenex (Bishop)

Natsuki Murayama (Pawn)

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