
ch. 12Connection. STG.

Fear is what they rule you with... don't forget, and don't assume you have more than they do, until you prove yourSELF worthy of your OWN advancement. Liberation is the key that they won't let you have, its their secret kryptonite, the very essence, of their own success, and they want you to believe, that if you, conserve and reduce, the output of your own essential being, that you WILL be happy and content, with just what they foist upon you, its a tragic obviosity, and one that only certain types of people are even WILLING to see but, those who CAN, see it, tend to make themselves AVAILABLE, to the energies it presents them with.

The powers that be, can control you with even the slightest whims of an interest, because the powers that be,  don't even USE their power, but the powers of those BENEATH them, and in their servitude but, even AS, those servants do the bidding of their masters, they cannot afford to think to question, just what powers their masters have hidden FROM them! And the masters DO hide the power! And USE the influence, as I've just explained, the powerful, HIDE, their power, while the POWERLESS, exaggerate, their influence, its a very subtle exchange which induces us all to our causes but, those are the magnetisms, which bind us all to this or that, DESIRE, or make aware our beings to those things and people and energies which cause us, to become.

On, the horrifying hand however, the fact that one whole world, could can and IS, being moved throught the cosmos, by desire and FEAR, illustrates, or, SHOULD, illustrate, that there is a whole lot more possibility inherent in the world than JUST what money can purchase, because of the simple fact that money, just like EVERYTHING else in the world, CAN BE LOST, and that antimatter has yet to be harnessed and contained, only serves as a metaphor, for the imminent fatalism were all operating under, because wherever we are, whenever we run out of money, that is the time, the place and the means, that we run out of air, and no matter HOW many quadrillionaires humanity produces, once a body dies, and its mental and soul energy rejoins the cosmos, THAT BODY, will never regain THAT conscience, no matter how many times you've uploaded your mind into no matter how many clouds, YOURE NEVER COMING BACK !!!! ITS OVER!!!! and the invisible man up in the sky will just have to wait until the internet can reinvent itself into a hyperintelligence so vast deep and wide, that the gods we have now, will have no other choice, but to bow down in reverence, and beg, and grovel, and plead, if indeed those newer gods even WANT all that but, I dont think thats what THEYRE going to make of it!

A really wise person once said that humanity, is the bridge, between animals, and the gods, and I think its our job, as humans, to maintain that connection, meaning that, yes, while you're human, you can be an animal but, if you choose nothing else, throughout your life, than to be an animal, then your humanity, is moving AWAY, from the side that God is on!

And even GOD might eventually tell you not to take yourself TOO seriously but, I think that really depends on which god you're talking to or ABOUT...

If the virtual plane of significance is more visible and or appealing, to the naked eye than some actuality or absolute, that you've somehow managed to foist upon your "reality" why then, whos to say you couldn't clothe, your naked eye, in some other, more fashionable way, than only being naked?! I mean, i could ask, have you no shame but, I think there's a more pressing question here, what, about your sense of self preservation? Nakedness DOES present an attractiveness but, does not nakedness attract just as much adversity as this masking effect were all becoming so inclined to effect on those we interact with?! And does not nakedness in fact attract us all toward the connections ALL of us NATURALLY WANT and STRIVE for and ADHERE to and RESIDE for?! And why should there BE no answer to just WHY there are no answers regarding wether and why we WEAR these masks? And, IS THAT ALL YOURE WEARING? IS A MASK? WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS! AND YOUR SHOES! A SHIRT WOULD BE NICE wouldnt it.

I'm, sure, there will be more, so sure in fact, that I'm willing to lay odds in bitcoin, on the reputable nature, and very essence of fact, that well all get through this, all very much the wiser, aware of naevetes contempt for cynicism, and the skeptics hilarious dismissal of innocence, completely oblivious of its real and true intentions, its feelings, and or realities, very much alive and in possession of all the answers we'd ever hoped to achieve, just this side, of all the mystery, in the universe.

The preceding messages were brought to you by a fifty eight thousand terrabit presentation of a  ninety nine nanobit demonstration of, every single demonstrable universality ever conceivable in a dimension so unconceivably improbable that even humanity could survive its complete harmonic resonance, (and its MANAGEMENT!) I guess humanity really resonated with this whole "EXISTENCE" thing, afterall!! And we would ask you to please PLEASE, try to stop killing each other so happily and excitedly?!! Eh?! This hell place is getting very very overcrowded in here!!

So, send more up to the cold place won't you?!! Yes, some of us like wearing a little bit more than just a TOGA, and those goofy little haloes everybody keeps on insisting they deserve so much, oh, and the wings, UUGH!! ever gotten a cramp in your wing? How about at twelve thousand feet? Ever got a cramp at twelve thousand FEET IN THE AIR?!!  Let me tell you what, there is no other place you are going, if you get a cramp in your precious little angel wing, at twelve thousand feet! And believe me, from that high up, you're going to make QUITE an impression,

in hell!!

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