
CHAPTER - 25 { Pokemon Egg? }

Inside the building___

Kota looked at the man in front of him. The man introduced himself as Kaiser, the Safari Zone warden.

"So, you are here to catch pokemons in the Safari Zone?, " Asked Kaiser while raising his eyebrows at Kota.

"Let me think once again… Ya, I am here to roam in the Safari Zone and catch some pokemons, " Said Kota while giving a very fake smile to Kaiser.

"Here's the Safari Balls and a fishing rod. Other than these things, nothing is allowed inside, " J

Kaiser pulled out a basket and put it on the table.

"And if you do something which isn't allowed inside, then!, " Said so, Kaiser pointing his firearm at Kota' head without hesitation.

Kota, still with the fake smile, kept all his belongings in the building and took the pokeballs.

The entire day, Kota caught more than a hundred pokemons making Kaiser very angry.

But because there weren't any rules saying how many pokemons a trainer could catch, he wasn't able to do anything to Kota.

Almost every type of pokemon found in Safari Zone was caught by Kota, except Dratini, a dragon-type pokemon.

Out of all the pokemons, most of them were Rhyhorns, a ground/rock-type pokemon.

With the day coming to an end, Kota left the Safari Zone with a happy mood.

* * *

Traveling along a road in the middle of the forest towards Cinnabar Island.

Kota walked together with Scizor, who was always alerted to any danger.

As they were going, suddenly, Scizor came in front of Kota and took on a fighting stance.

"What's it?, " Asked Kota, he looked at Scizor with confusion.


Scizor pointed in front, two big vehicles were coming at full speed.

But what was the thing that made Scizor stand in front of Kota and not let them give way for the vehicles.

It was the cries of many pokemons that Scizor heard from those vehicles.

There was the big red capital R printed on the front of the vehicles which made it easy for Kota to guess.

"Team Rocket!, " Said Kota, he immediately pulled out two pokeballs from his waist belt.

"Hold them more me!, " Kota threw the pokeballs in the air and two lights flashed.


Onix stopped the two vehicles in their path by putting his gigantic body in between.


Charizard flew in the sky and dropped down behind the two vehicles.

"Why are these pokemons interfering!, " From inside the vehicles, a voice was heard by Kota.

"How would I know?, " Another voice sounded but this one belonged to a woman.

"Come out!, " Kota standing on the body of Onix, looked down on the two vehicles.

These vehicles were very advanced ones, mostly used in fleeing or catching up.

"A Shiny Onix, A very huge Charizard, a Scizor and a boy!, " As the two person in the front vehicle came out, Kota recognized them.

Butch and Cassidy, a similar team like Jessie, James and Meowth.

"I hear some calls for help, may I check your vehicles?, " Asked Kota smiling towards the two while his hands dived into the pockets.

"Do you know who we are? Tell him, Bush!, " Said Cassidy while clenching her fists angrily.

"It's Butch!, " Corrected Butch, they pulled out their pokemons to fight against Kota's.

The other members of Team Rocket in the vehicles also came out to help Butch and Cassidy.


With his tail, Charizard slapped most of the members of Team Rocket.


Scizor used his claws to knock out the rest of the members including Butch and Cassidy.

"Charizard, open the vehicles for me, " Said Kota slowly coming down from Onix.

Charizard grabbed one side of the vehicle at the back and pulled it off completely.

There were many different types of pokemon in bars. Also, the vehicles were very big like a small truck.

"Scizor, free them, " Ordered Kota, he wasn't really helping them but it was Team Rocket that came in his path.

As the pokemons were freed, they thanked Kota and his pokemons before returning back to the forest.

Charizard stuffed the members of Team Rocket in one of the vehicles and pushed it in the forest.


As Kota called Onix and Charizard back in their pokeballs, he heard Scizor' voice.

When he faced to see Scizor, he saw Scizor holding a container that had a green egg in it.

Likely a pokemon egg. Kota took the container from Scizor and opened it.

"What pokemon egg could it be?, " Said Kota as he checked whether the egg was cracked or not.


Scizor shook his head, he also didn't know what pokemon egg it was.

"Then let's just keep it, " Kota put the egg back in the container and left with Scizor.

After Kota and Scizor were gone, Butch and Cassidy regained consciousness.

"What happened?, " Asked Cassidy while trying to turn her head to see.

But then she understand that he was stuck.

"That kid!, " Said Cassidy in anger while she tried her best to get out of the vehicle.

"Don't move! It hurts!, " Shouted Butch, one of his hands was squeezed between the thighs of a male member.

"Shut up, Bash!, " Flared Cassidy, she shook her body with all her strength.

"It's Butch and just stop!, " Shouted Butch, they continued until help came.

* * *

Kota holding a container with an egg inside and Scizor came to a city.

"Forest City, a city built in a forest, " Muttered Kota while looking at the site in front of his eyes.

The houses and roads were directly in a forest full of trees.

He entered the city and first of all, went to the Pokemon Center.

Later he came to know and all his pokemons and the egg were healthy.

Booking a room in the best hotel here, which was a two star hotel.

He spent the night here in the Forest City.

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