
Body Double?

On the next day, Lu Jingyi and Xu Wenwen hung out and picked their dresses for Lu Jingyi's fashion show.

They went to store by store and even window shopping. They shopped for hours and their legs were getting tired from all the walking.

They stopped by a dessert shop and ordered ice creams to cool down. It was a hot day and they were sweating.

"Phew. I'm hot and thirsty. Our ice creams melt so fast. Awww.... Can't even enjoy it slowly."

"And I think is your heat that makes the ice creams melt faster. This shop has air condition. It doesn't make sense that our ice creams melt fast."

"Ughh... Jingyi, can you stop with the logic stuffs? You're always like this."

"Geez. Sorry."

Lu Jingyi rolled her eyes to the back. Sometimes the jokes she cracked were rather cold and Xu Wenwen was always be annoyed.

"By the way, when are going to stop using your body double to appear as the designer of L'Amour? And YOU yourself, the real designer doesn't want to show your face to public. You even need to use a nickname called Lillian."

Xu Wenwen was not happy about Lu Jingyi was still reluctant to show her face to the public. The fame should shine on the real designer rather than the body double.

Lu Jingyi liked to be low profile and didn't like attention. Attention brought her troubles and this will make her feel like her freedom was restricted. She hired a body double to go publicly for her.

That girl's family was poor and needed money for his father's surgery. Lu Jingyi met her during her small injuries checked up. She heard their family didn't have enough money to pay.

That's why she decided to hired her as her body double since she needed one and just in time. In exchange for the girl's father surgery fee, the girl accepted the job and of course the salary was enough for their family's living expenses.

They were grateful to Lu Jingyi. Lu Jingyi also gave an option where when the girl's wanted to stop acting as her body double, she was free to quit.

"Come on now, it's not that bad. I hired her to represent me. She's an honest person. If not, she's probably already declared the designs were hers. If it wasn't for her, I will be stared at by a lot of eyes on me. It'll make me uncomfortable and I can't shop freely with you too. And also, I like my current lifestyle now."

"Hmph. I doubt that. Even though she's honest until now. Who knows in the future? She might just learn your design and make for herself and also declared the designs before was hers too."

"Don't worry, I won't let that happen. From the day I hired her, I kept my designs as safe as possible. I only explain the details about my designs to her that she will be using when representing me. If that day did come, I will stop her and I have backup plans. And if she have her own ideas and wanted to be a designer, she is free to quit the job and I will have your wish come true."

"What wish?"

"Don't you want me to show myself to the world? I will do that."

Xu Wenwen was speechless. This girl have thought it througly every possibilities would happen the moment she hired the body double.

It was so scary that Lu Jingyi could keep a level-headed mind in every situation. No one would actually thought so much. Normally, a person will worry about one or two things that will happen to them.

But Lu Jingyi thought every possibilities and even thought up backup plans to counter. Xu Wenwen knew she was smart, but this was too absurd.

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