
[XV] - Furious Moon

I rushed quickly into the dark, void alley, with my heart beating like crazy. The only thing on my mind right now was analyzing in my head which way would be the shortest to return to the place I've just escaped from. I had to return there in order to retrieve my so important footage. I haven't been through so much painful stuff just to lose it when I'm at almost my goal. But now, after Icto's words, I am truly wondering if the thing I'm doing is right.

It's a mere footage more important than my life? Is it worth it, all of my struggles and pain and worries, will this truly be something that could change the world?

I've been telling myself that this is the right cause for me to fight for. Precious or not, I've dedicated my life to fighting against the crimes of the domineering authorities. And I'm willing to be hurt even more, In order to take away the pain of the other people. There is no turning back, and admitting the wrong. I've let go of Icto's hand. If I believe strongly that it is the right thing to do, I hope it will turn out to be like that.

The streets were weirdly empty and dull. I expected for a few shady individuals to be roaming around, but no one could be found, just as the fatal morning where all of this hell started. No living soul, no chatter nor whispers. The history is repeating itself. Where could all of those people hide?

To think of it, I've never roamed these streets before, I don't remember such a dark and abandoned places being in this metropolis. There was always someone behind the corner, as for such a massive society living squeezed in this metropolis, it was mathematically proven that no matter where you look at the streets, there will be always at least one person in your view. I am truly wondering, do the scientist have nothing to think of these days, as they prove such things?

The echo of my running footsteps was coming to my ears, running forwards as fast as I could. I think I turned in the good direction, right? Jeez, traveling at night, especially when it's so dark, is so difficult… and those streets don't even have any proper neons and electric installments… But I'm used to such darkness. The dim moonlight was slightly making me see the road I had to go on. I just had to go back with the road parallel to the one I ran with Icto, so I think it's the one! And then, I have to go until I come across the crimson aura street, and turn again…

As good sense of orientation I had, the further I went, the more unfamiliar sights I saw… No, It can't be…

"Aghh… Have I really got lost in a place I know so well, like my own pocket?" — A frustrated yell came out of my mouth, as I leaned against the wall, exhausted from all the running and stress. — "Oh please, I just need to get my memory device back… and everything will be okay like it…"

I couldn't finish the sentence, as out of nowhere, I felt a tiny and cold object be thrown straight into my face. It hit my cheek with an impact, and fell straight onto the ground before me, making only a quiet "cling".

"What the hell…" — I grumped, trying to lean towards the thing that was shining on the ground, to identify it.

But as I reached for it, a loud gunshot pierced my ears. Before I could grab the metal scrap on lying on the street, it was blown to tiny pieces, now scattered like a broken mirror.

"Oh shit, I guess the thing you've been desperately looking for is all gone now."

— A honeyed voice giggled at me.

This place was a little brighter than the ones I've just run through, but I still couldn't have seen in time the ominous shadow that approached me.

The thing that was shot… Oh, no…

Was it… My…

My fingertips started to become numb, itching like if a thousand needles were stinging me every second.

Feeling like being thrown into the deep waters, not being able to rise above the surface to get more air. This… suffocated me, the high-pitched ringing sounds were making me sick to the point where I could faint.

"Oh my, was it really so important to you?" — A manly voiced laughed at me. — "Well, not for me. I wasn't the main star of it, sadly. That damned Orbis always takes the place in the spotlight… Like everyone at that point…" — He slowed down as his sentence came to an end.

A person around my height emerged from the shadows. At first, he appeared to be a complete stranger, but the closer he got to me, the more bright my memories became.

Wearing all black clothes, with a gun being held in his hand. Face covered by a dark-gray mask and a black hood. From under it, long silver bangs were sticking out, like the finest threads of silk. His hooded eyes in the color of the moon were piercing through me like a sharp sword. Dark and teasing at the same time.

This person was the man helping the blue-eyed one! As I clearly remember, they were there together…

So, the name of my dark-haired oppressor is… Orbis? I can swear I heard it somewhere before… but where?

But… If he is helping the masked man… Could he possibly be such a cold-blooded, merciless killer like him? On the thought of witnessing this massacre again, my whole body started shivering.

"Hey, hey… I'm not as scary as you think…" — He whispered softly, as he stepped forwards with a reached hand, to get closer to me.

But as he did that, I instinctively moved aside the wall, to get away from him.

"Leave me alone!! What… The hell do you want from me?! Don't get closer… You! You destroyed my evidence!!!" — I yelled at him with fear and frustration. Trying to let all of my growing emotions out, I felt devastated, like never before.

Everything crumbled before my eyes.

"Yeah, so what? I clearly destroyed the thing that was against me, what's the problem?" — He cynically responded, ignoring my messages.

"You… Why the hell can't you just leave me alone?!" — The tears bursted out of my swollen eyes.

I just wanted to be left alone.

"Hahaha, listen to yourself. Do you think that someone you recorded killing hundreds of officers could just let you go freely like that? Be happy that it's me standing in front of you, not him, or it would be worse. If you politely go with me where I want you too, then you don't have to worry…" — His bare fingertips, the only things being uncovered from the cloth on his hands, reached my harried cheek.

At that moment, I felt something like a low voltage pass through my skin, but I ignored it, being disgusted by his touch.

What a nonsense. Is he thinking that I will believe in such a crap he is telling me? I won't go anywhere on Earth with him, never. Who does he think he is?

Without a warning, I jumped to the side, to avoid his hand. My precious footage, it was all in pieces now. The thought of it was stirring my mind like a spiral illusion. This dumbass acquired it and arrogantly destroyed it in front of me, for me to behold it myself and feel the pain kick inside at an instant.

I rushed forwards, no matter where the street lead, I just wanted to get out of here as quick as possible. Lose everything that was on my mind. Lose the things that were pursuing me like a shadow, always appearing wherever you are.

"You want to play tag, huh? Okay. I'm it." — His psychotic laugh was echoing through the street.

But as I was about to reach the corner of the street, the silver-eyes appeared out of nowhere behind it. I could imagine a smirk under this mask, as he moved his leg on my way, making me trip like an idiot. I flew through the unsettled air, and landed with an impact, and my face being smeared on the ground. The dust got into my mouth, as my mask was swept off by the concrete street.

"That's the second time you tripped in front of me, haha. I sure never miss."

The humiliation was making my whole body burn with anger, like a boiling water. This is… an abasement! I… I won't allow anyone to treat me like this! I've always been ignorant to the ones that harmed me, glancing with a desperate face at them, waiting for to them stop. But they didn't, because a sad face isn't a way to fight. The actions are.

"Will you follow me, or should I carry you instead?" — His giggling voice was making me fuming. — "Poor thing, you must be tired from all this running… What a pity you don't have any trackers with you, or I could calculate all the kilometers you've travelled today…"

He was the companion of the blue-eyed killer. No matter how I could think about these two, a shadow of fear grew in my mind. But this guy… I just can't stand his loony voice, laughing like a mad man every minute… This man pisses me off.

With crackling bones, I got myself from the ground, and swiped my face off the dust, throwing a sharp gaze at the silver-haired man. My hood fell of my head, so now, my appearance was clearly visible to anyone, and to him.

His eyes widened, as he noticed my infuriated face. I saw my reflection shining in his irises. This expression he made, was it… astonishment?

"Woah, I didn't know I was dealing with a pretty guy. I could swear you had longer hair in the morning…" — A slight admiration could be heard in his still wondering voice.

He was glaring at me so familiarly… He frowned his eyebrows as I crackled my mouth in disgust. But at the end, he still giggled maniacally.

"It's so fun playing with you, oh I wish I didn't have to end the deal with you today…"

Being seen as a man, someone I am not… Is this a good thing or a bad one? It hurts my feminist heart to say that… In this society being a man is indeed more valuable and useful than being a woman. In a world like this, even amongst the people from the same district, there are also divisions. As gender, age, occupation, looks, fortune…

Being divided into smaller and smaller pieces… Maybe this will give me some more distance between being more oppressed than I actually could be if they knew I was just a weak girl…

Let's not break up that facade.

My emotions got mixed, and they could show on my face, as I tightened my lips and rippled my forehead. Oh, I wish I could deal with you so you could leave me alone.

"Hey, hey… I don't want to leave a bad first impression on you, I don't like when people think of me badly… That's why I'm treating you so well right now! You would be dead a long ago if not the kind personality of mine!"

"Kind my ass."

I expected him to get annoyed by my response, but he only threw a quiet and amused laugh.

"So will you follow me, or should I force you with the more difficult way?" — He leaned, reaching his hand towards me. — "I'm a gentleman, appreciate this."

"I won't go anywhere! You just destroyed the one thing that kept me wanting to be alive… But right now, you pissed me of to the point where I can just live with a goal of punching your idiotic face!!!"

I swung my fist all behind my back, and charged it straight into his face, with as much power as I could gather. I was mad to the point where I didn't care anymore. One hit could make me happy enough. But when I thought it's going to land on him, he evaded it in an instant, dodging backwards.

In a blink of an eye, he swirled in place, with his leg sticking out, and without me noticing it, attempted to do a kick-flip.

As I was ready to take its impact on my body, putting me in a grave pain, out of nowhere, my limbs moved without my permission, and it turned out that I evaded his attack like that.

And another…

And another…

Every attempt of his was useless, as I somehow was dodging them all, leaving him growing more annoyed with every hit he missed.

But how could I do this? I was never so good at avoiding the beating, my reflex wasn't so skilled either. Yet now, as if some unknown power was telling me what to do, a mysterious force was moving my body flexibly, like one of the most skilled warriors. Could this be called… the instinct of the survival?

As I was dodging all of his quite fast attacks, I started wondering if he is a companion of the blue-eyed man, could he have some abilities like him too? He could create a beam of a turquoise lightning, and strike it quicker than the blink of an eye. His eyes were glowing mesmerizingly too… But this guy? Everything he has done until now, was just fool me with his words, and now try to punch or to kick me.

A minute flew by, and I got tired of it too, the more he tried, the slower he was, and so I. This unexpected skill of mine was degrading slowly, but I think it's due to my limited energy and exhaustion.

Yet, the silver-haired didn't stop attacking me, covering his slowness with the fury arising in his eyes. He got acquisitive to the point where he actually lightly brushed my skin with his fists. Any second now and he could seriously hit me, and then I wouldn't be able to get out of it conscious. I had to strike back, as I could remember someone in the past say: "The best way to defend is to attack."

I struck when he wasn't ready for it the most. Just as he was about to charge at me with a fist, I blocked his attack with my arm, and pushed him against the wall.

I think I did it too roughly, as his head hit the wall with a dull noise, and a low groan could be heard from beneath his mask. I… truly couldn't understand why all of a sudden I grew so much power inside of me. My arm was steadily blocking his, not allowing it to move at all. He was glaring at me with his glassy eyes, full of grief, being forced against a wall, unable to move. How could I, an always weak girl, gather so much strength to block a man like that? I could swear we both wondered about that, as I drifted away in his painful glare. Unwillingly, I invaded his private space and humiliated him, as he did to me. I felt wonderful being so strong like that. This time, a grin appeared on my face. The roles truly reversed.

But so wrong I was about it, when I felt a hard object poking directly into my chest. I looked down, just to see a small gun being directed straight into my heart.

"Stop it, or I will get serious." — A harsh voice ordered me.

Hello, Thank you for reading my story, If you actually visit my wattpad: ashfrei, there is a bonus chapter with some of my art regarding this story! Thanks for all the support!

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