
157. Past

John smiled, "You know what Dan? We can get this thing together and split the money equaly,"

"It's not about the money you idiot! I don't want to do the thing like the way you told in the past!!" Daniela still snapped about the way her father said it with a simple voice, "Why the fuck you told me to do that,"

"Because…" Miranda suddenly jumped into the conversation, "We're in the edge of our life."

She knew that Daniela wouldn't corporate with them even after John came and it would take another way to persuade her. She knew it and now Miranda didn't have any choice left except explain what they're deal with.

Her father also Miranda had the problem and it was pretty much like what her father said before. They're in the edge of their life where her father and Miranda would do anything to survive. They tried to save their company and family.

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