


Startled I jump up from my bed, my eyes frantically scan over my room, stopping at my door.

'Are you fucking serious' I take my twin in, her usually messy hair combed to perfection, face done with beautiful makeup, wearing a dress that comes mid thigh paired with heels.

"What. Do. You. Want." I grit out, rolling my eyes I turn over In my bed, hoping for once that it will swallow me whole.

"What. Do. You- shut up and get ready for school, you have like 15 minutes" laughing when I throw a pillow at her she slams the door.

I sit up in bed, bones popping as I do, 'oh god why do I feel so old! God... if this is you telling me it's my time, then I'm ready!', making my way to the bathroom I shut the door behind me.

Quickly I throw on some makeup, brushing my nappy hair, I look at myself, awkwardly I smile in the mirror, "good enough".

Grabbing my black adidas sweat pants and a white t-shirt I throw it on, white filas paired with it completing the outfit.

I walk over to my vanity and grab my gold necklace, no charms, no cross, just a plain chain.

Smiling at myself I grab my bag and head downstairs, seeing my mom in the kitchen I go up and hug her, "I'll be at practice right after school, so I'll be home later-"

"Actually can you come home right after school today? I need to talk to you both".

'Miss practice... Umm wth, I never miss practice.. she knows this',

"Um yeah mom, I guess I can" confusion evident in my voice, telling her bye I head out the door with my sister.


Freshman year

Honestly one of the worst years of somebody's life, well not for me, but I bet for somebody out there.

Pushing the double doors open I step through, walking through the halls with confidence, I hold my head high.

I can hear the whispers as the students look at me, smirking to myself I roll my eyes, being the best has its perks.

Being the talk of the school is not one of them, I honestly don't mind it but sometimes it gets annoying.

I step into the cafe and walk over to my table, I can see the boys goofing around, pulling my chair out it makes a loud screeching sound.

"The princess has arrived!" Jay shouts just as my butt hits the seat, "what did I tell you.. if you're gonna call me anything then I prefer it to be Lil' hip hopper".

I shove his shoulder, falling out of his chair he hits the floor with a thud, I bite my lips as the rest of the boys laugh.

Pushing his chair away I extend my arm and hold my hand out to him, his large hand grabs mine, a gasp leaves my lips as he pulls me down.

Landing on top of him the air gets blown out of my lungs, his arms securely wrapped around my waist as he holds me to his chest.

Lifting my head from off his chest I glare at him, "you're such a dick!" Laughing I push myself up, standing up I dust off my hands.

I look over to Henery and June who are laughing at us, smiling back I glance down to jay, his hand is sticking up in the air.

"Gonna help me up?" I smirk, holding out my hand pretending like I'm gonna help I quickly slap his hand, "help yourself" turning over the the other two, the boys look at me getting the hint.

Grabbing our bags we run out of the cafe, laughing as we make our way to the dance room, "hey- WAIT FOR ME!" We laugh louder as jay screams to us.

We stop running as we come infront of the door, HeeHee pulls it open stepping in first, followed by Junie.

The thundering footsteps come to a halt, I shiver as I feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, "that wasn't very nice.."

His deep voice whispers in my ear, I smirk turning around to look at him, I look into his eyes.

Slightly feeling guilty I pull a pout, bringing my hand up I rest it on his shoulder, "awee.. cry about it" turning around I run into the room.


When we first started high school we all agreed to take dance as our electives, all of us come from the same major dance studio in Seoul, '8 4life'

Having danced our whole lives we all grew up being best friends, that's where our passion came from.

Most girls my age were into fashion, makeup, pageants, singing, but me I've always had a passion for music, and dancing.

Just something about it, expressing my emotions with the way I move my body, when I close my eyes and let my feet move I feel like I'm the only person in this world.

So when my mom took me to the most well known dance studio in Seoul, I busted my butt every day to be where I'm at now.

Number one, that's me and everybody knows it, the boys and me became friends at a very young age, having came to the studio to dance after me.

At first it was hard to make friends.. because I was a girl... And a dancer, all the other boys in the studio underestimated me.

The boys were different, they thought my moves were cool, and that's how they became My Boys, now we're the best dance group around, everybody calls us

'The Clique'.

So when we entered high school it wasn't a surprise when we walked through the halls that all eyes were on us, it was normal.

Looking at our time tables we all got excited to see that our first two periods were dance, because after all....-

-...Dance was our Passion.

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