

Today is the day of my first ever date with Ezra as a lover. It's exciting and nerve-racking. I have carefully picked my outfit yesterday, though it is not that different from what I normally wear. I also got up an hour earlier than normal, just to fluff up my hair. Not that it helps; I still have to go to school first.

It's almost stupid what I'm doing just for this date. Ezra has known me for such a long time; I don't think he would care much. And I won't be surprised if he shows up looking the same as always, honestly. That doesn't matter, though. He's handsome when he's looking casual.

I head to school with my heart beating fast, yearning to see my... best friend? Date? I don't know. I have cancelled all after-school activities for today, because both me and the vice-president won't be there.

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