
"The Shamans' Love and Hate" 

Ainsley really didn't know such a thing happened, so she naturally didn't understand why the legendary beast spirit, the owner of the domain, actually looked at her for such a long time. 

It was indeed a long time because Ainsley felt the gaze and the thunderous pressure from the moment she stood in front of the altar until she left the altar! 

When the informant and the shamans knew about this, they almost wrung their handkerchief dramatically, bit their handkerchief and cried on the spot. 

So jealous, ah! The legendary beast spirit actually looked at this kid for such a long time! It would not be an accidental gaze or something if it were that long. 

So, why would the domain owner look at Ainsley for so long? Was it because she was a transmigrator and the domain owner was also interested in her potential to explore the outer world? 

Or maybe it was because both of them had a unique charm ability? 

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