
"Hundred Thousand Spirits Mountain" 

The further Ainsley walked, the farther it was from the farmhouse, and the informant actually started to enter the random forest behind the farmhouse!

Ainsley and the group were dumbfounded for a moment. They thought the first ancestor would be at the farmhouse, but how come it looked like the first ancestor was at the back mountain instead? 

What was he doing there? Or was this place a part of the first ancestor's obsession? 

Ainsley immediately asked the informant who was leading the group, and to their surprise, the informant knew something about the first ancestor's spirit. 

"This back mountain and the forest is not as famous as other forests and mountains with a lot of sacred beasts, but this mountain is the favorite place for us shamans to find spirits!" 

The mountain was called Hundred Thousand Spirits Mountain, and this mountain range had one mountain, which was the highest among all other mountains. 

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