
"Running Out of Time" 

It was not easy to kill an abyss demon that was about to be a high-level demon, and even when Ainsley restrained the movement of that demon with the remaining power of bloodline suppression, that demon was still dangerous. 

This demon was not under Ainsley's absolute control anymore. 

The counterattack did almost cut down the bloodline thread, and Ainsley had already fixed it, but even so, the damage had been done, and aside from restraining the demon's movement from time to time, there was nothing Ainsley could do. 

The 50 special vanguards used almost all their energy just to deal with that one quasi-high-level abyss demon. 

The assault lasted for a full ten minutes when usually, the whole vanguard team could kill one mid-level demon together within several minutes or several seconds. 

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