
"Luring The Snowball Monster"

Ainsley even wondered whether the boy was also a transmigrator like her or maybe he had a similar cheat as Zev's existence? 

Well, don't mind that for now. Let's guide the students to catch a beast or a monster first. 

Ainsley immediately looked at Delph, who had the best potential to tame beasts or monsters because Celia could only either heal or kill. 

Her two abilities were really extreme abilities, torso opposites of each other. 

"Student Delph, you can use your fog or mist to trap a beast or a monster and activate the illusion effect of the fog." 

"Then, magnify the emotion of the target that has been influenced by the fog." 

"Once the emotion is magnified, you can simply weave another illusion through the fog so that the target will be docile and willing to pull the sleigh for us." 

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