
"A Crimson Hand"

It was at this moment that Ainsley used her 3D map ability once more and focused the range of the map around the blood barrier and around the magic circle in the sky. 

From this angle, Ainsley could clearly see the small red dome representing the blood barrier and the huge magic circle in the sky. 

No matter how small the blood barrier was, at least, it contained tons of demons, and the number of these demons exceeded the number of the Sloan Family's mafia members. 

So, the blood barrier should look big, but compared to the magic circle, it was like a drop of water in the ocean. 

The blood barrier was only a tiny crimson dot, and the magic circle was as big as a normal-sized dish plate. 

The comparison was too obvious, but Ainsley also spotted Blaze, who was not covered by the blood barrier because she had her own protection due to her breakthrough attempt. 

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