
"The Baby Bull's Spirit Army"

When Ainsley heard Zev's words, the baby immediately growled at him and her hooves scratched the cave's ground. 

[Don't you dare! I don't want such a reward!] 

The baby bull snorted and kept moving her head, wanting to stab Zev with her small horns that hadn't even grown yet. 

Seeing this, the live broadcast's audience endured the urge to laugh but no one noticed her conversation with Zev. 

Not even those who watched the live broadcast from Ainsley's point of view and shared the five senses. 

Seeing Ainsley's fighting stance, Zev hurriedly hid behind the Godfather, only showing his butt and his diaper as usual. 

He's afraid that Ainsley would stab his butt and he would be a goner! 

At the same time, the three evil spirits slowly recovered and then looked at Ainsley's purple 'wig' on her bull cub's state. 

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