
"Too Rash"

Many celestials weren't old-fashioned anymore and didn't hate the blood clan like the old generation. 

But there would still be some extremists. 

Imagine the guild that the celestials backed actually lost in front of a guild built by a blood clan's cub? 

Although the cub wasn't a real blood clan's cub, since she could control blood, she was a pseudo-blood clan's cub in a sense. 

The celestials wouldn't want to lose against a blood clan's cub. 

This is also why some celestials helped the Winged Guild to block Ainsley's path in the dark. 

Whether blocking the news of Ainsley's guild from spreading or threatening the charm ability users...

How could the Winged Guild and other big guilds do this carelessly when there were so many celestials with justice in their bones? 

Of course, there must be higher-level celestials who supported their plan. 

They just can't let Ainsley succeed! 

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