
"Fight Me" 

Facing the young man's blue face and shaky voice, Ainsley calmly raised an eyebrow. 

"What? You can't even speak straight? Big Brother, I think you're an embarrassment for people with wings and whoever joined your guild." 

Ainsley peeked at the celestials and other guild members in the crowd behind the young man before giggling sarcastically. 

"You can't even speak properly...I think your guild isn't that awesome." 


Such an insult instantly offended all the guild members in the crowd! 

But surprisingly, the celestials weren't really offended. 

For perfect war machines like them, showing flaws and weaknesses was indeed something shameful. 

This young man can't even speak properly due to extreme anger. He can't control his emotions and let the enemy lead him by the nose...

Disappointing. Why should they join such a weak guild? 

The young man was sensitive and could feel the celestials' gazes on him. 

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