
"Elf and Dwarf Language"

The elf's voice really sounded like a dream! So unreal, ah…

It was so good to the ear that even Ainsley's face flushed red once more. 

Heard that elves were all natural charmers...she's also a charmer in a sense, but she's so defeated! 

Ainsley nodded at Eth but didn't speak anymore. After all, she had greeted him before. 

The other guests didn't understand elf language, but she had Zev's buff with her. 

Although Zev wasn't here, he automatically translated the language into her mind. 

Zev really could activate the universal language skill without him being the translator. Back then, he just wanted to show off...

Ainsley understood the elf language because in her ear, it sounded like the human race's universal language. 

As a mafia family head, she learned a lot of languages and one of them was the human's universal language. 

That's why Ainsley didn't realize that the elf was talking in elf language! 

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