
"Timely Arrival"

[What's strange? Is it an enemy invasion? Or something else?] 

Ainsley didn't bother asking Zev how he knew about it because she had long realized that Zev was actually more powerful than she thought. 

However, his role was only to provide her with weird items to assist her growth. His origin, his mission, and his host's selection method...all of these were a mystery. 

But Ainsley didn't really care as long as her family in this world was safe. Thus, when she heard that the Sloan Mansion was in a strange situation, she couldn't help but panic. 

[What's going on? Tell me!] The baby urged Zev. Actually, Zev shouldn't tell anything to Ainsley but breaking the rules once or twice is quite okay. 

Anyway, he had assisted a lot of hosts, broke a lot of rules, and he was only punished but wasn't eliminated….

And this kind of help wasn't such a huge help that could possibly get himself into deep trouble. 

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