
"Kdrama's Plot"

Truthfully, when Ainsley first heard that the Godfather woke up, she tried to contact him in her mind using their connection. 

However, the Godfather didn't answer, and It seemed as if he didn't hear her voice at all. 

Maybe because he just woke up, and the link between them was still unstable. That's why Ainsley couldn't contact the Godfather. 

Ainsley simply wanted to contact the Godfather to tell him to wait at the mausoleum because she would pick him up. 

If he suddenly went out and they missed each other, wouldn't that be funny? Unfortunately, she couldn't contact the Godfather. 

Still, she believed that the Godfather wouldn't go out of the mausoleum for no reason. Even if he did, he would go back to the Sloan Family's mansion, and they should have crossed paths. 

After all, there's only one path from the mansion to the mausoleum, even if it's not the land route but the air route. 

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