
"Being Cautious"

While Paul and the Naran Family were busy preparing their troops, Ainsley also supervised her mansion's renovation. 

There were many things to fix, and a lot of money was needed, but Ainsley didn't lack money now. 

Aside from her family's non-unique business, Ainsley had started to sell custom potions to elite families or forces. 

Her mausoleum business was striving that in just a day, she got tons of money enough to install a few heavier firearms. 

The purchasing ability of the shamans really couldn't be underestimated. 

Also, Ainsley accepted monster-taming service even though only once or twice and was targeted for people that she knew. 

For example, her friends' family. 

The monsters that Ainsley tamed were also those residing near the Xocolet Lake, her newly-gained territory. 

With their consent, Ainsley managed to find a good master for these wild monsters, one by one. 

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