
"The Shamans Are Here"

With Ainsley taking the lead, her troops that hadn't joined the battlefield immediately rushed to join the battlefield. 

Since they had to break through the current battlefield around the mausoleum, Ainsley chose the less chaotic battlefield compared to other battlefields, and that happened to be the east gate. 

The east gate battle was led by Friskilia, the second female general after Becca that ranked last among the other generals. 

Her battlefield was less chaotic than others and had less death rate too because both parties weren't super offensive types. 

It was more of the battle of wits, mind, and mental! 

Friskilia's special ability was mind attack, sending a certain wavelength that could make people die from getting their minds crushed. 

She could also affect one's mental health, turning sane people muddle-headed and even worse, completely destroying their personalities. 

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