
"First Time Seeing Him"

If Martin's goal wasn't to kill Ainsley, what goal did he have in mind? What's his mission? 

After all, it's not that easy to kill Ainsley without using special abilities. 

Using poison? 

Ainsley always had people checking her meal to see whether it's safe to consume or not, and she couldn't be killed so easily using a knife or a gun either.

She could activate her 'luck armour' so fast that the bullet wouldn't hit her body…the same went for the knife attack. 

Thus, Martin's chance to kill Ainsley without an offensive special ability was close to none. 

[Hmmm, you're right, Godfather. His goal isn't to kill me...that's not his expertise at all. He's here as a spy...so he wants to dig out all our important information?] 

Ainsley tilted her head, pondering about the issue. 

[But I didn't give him any important information that can destroy the family...he can't do anything.] 

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