
"Meeting Other Spirits"

Ainsley was so happy to meet Rie, knowing that she's a shaman, but then she suddenly recalled how her people called Rie…

'Godlif Shaman guild master!' 

Ainsley, who was running toward the entrance, suddenly halted. Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped to the floor. She even almost slipped and fell. 

Wait, hold up...t-the shaman guild master? 

Ainsley looked at Rie, the granny who was already heading to the main hall with a charismatic aura around her. 

The...shaman...GUILD MASTER?? 

Ainsley's heart jumped to her throat. 

'I-I never know anything about this??' 

Ainsley never knew that the kind granny she met back then was actually a big shot among big shots! 

When she finally realised that Rie was the shaman guild master, she suddenly suspected whether other old men that she met before…

Were they also big shots? 

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