
"Dying Raptors"

When Grandpa Yofan rejected Ainsley's idea like that, she knew that the old man was serious. The baby could only sigh and mutter. 

"How about we bwing Vawllan here first? If I can't handle him, you guys can pwotect me. How is it?" Ainsley looked at Grandpa Yofan with puppy-like eyes.

"The Godfathel is also awound, ah! You guys can't see him, but he's here. He will pwotect me," Ainsley added. 

When Ainsley brought up the Godfather's name, Grandpa Yofan paused for a moment before sighing aloud. 

"Alright. Since the Godfather is also here, we have nothing to worry about." The old man looked at Jevon and nodded. "Bring Vallan to this hall." 

"Yes, supreme elder." Jevon and the five buds immediately went out of the hall to find Vallan. Minutes later, they came back with the pegasus shrinking into the size of a pony. 

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