
"Evolving The Mother Raptor"

After Ainsley set a goal for herself, the baby closed the system interface and was about to look for a target to try her newly-gained skill when the Godfather already rushed to her. 

[Lil Lass, go to sleep. Tomorrow night, there will be an auction on the 100th floor. It will be interesting. You should try your new skill at the auction instead.] 

The Godfather advised Ainsley to rest well and play with her new skill tomorrow. Of course, the target shouldn't be them but other people who would attend the auction. 

When the Godfather told Ainsley this, the baby paused for a second before nodding. 

[You're right, uncle. I guess I'm too tired today...I should sleep.] 

Ainsley took the Godfather's advice earnestly and immediately tossed aside the thought of using her new skill on her own mentor and system spirit. 

The baby yawned, went out of the bathroom, and changed into her cute rabbit pyjamas before climbing the bed. 

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