
"Dimensional Bracelet: Unlocked"

As shocked as Ainsley was, she finally accepted Jake's oath, not knowing that the man was a real big shot. 

She didn't even know what kind of backing she earned through a single gambling game. 

The Godfather knew about Jake's real identity, Zev also knew, but both of them kept their mouths shut. 

They had no plans to tell Ainsley about her backing to prevent the girl from being too complacent. 

While the two spirits kept their eyes on Ainsley, Jake gave Ainsley several more one-coloured crystals, rounding up the baby's saving to 50 crystals in total. 

"Twank you, unclwe Zac!" Ainsley happily counted her crystals when a notification suddenly sounded in her mind, followed by a blue system interface popping out right in front of her eyes. 

TING! [Congratulations. You completed the 1st side mission.] 

[Completion grade: S] 

[Reward: A dimensional bracelet] 

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