
Chapter 4

Caroline opened the door of the apartment and immediately opened her mouth in surprise.

"How did you find me?"

Klaus smiled "A little bird told me."

"The blonde you were dancing with?" he tried to guess her.

Klaus bowed his head "No, she's nothing to me. She never was. "

"I hate the way you always know everything about everyone."

"And right now, you hate me most of all."

She let her silence answer. She was furious and hurt. Maybe she shouldn't have been? She had fallen in love with him while Klaus not only got another woman pregnant, but also dated another, a blonde who obviously wasn't her: he had done nothing but tease her and play with her feelings about her.

"Can I come in?"

"Do I have any other choice?" Caroline replied with irony.

"What's a blonde no longer enough for you?"

"Caroline ...."


"I guess I deserve it." Klaus let out a laugh.

"What do you find so funny?"

"Honey, you should see your face."

Those words from her made her blush because at that moment she looked like a teenager struggling with her first crush.

"Tell me what you want from me. Did I think the blonde would be enough for you or did she do something wrong and now she's dead? " she argued however, unable to restrain herself.

Klaus stared straight into her eyes.

"Actually, she is why I am here."

She stiffened.

"I thought you didn't like mindless blondes. Oh right! It's me you don't like. "She commented sarcastically.

"Do we really have to have this conversation at the door?"

Though reluctantly, she Caroline stepped aside to let him in. She was happy to be presentable, even though she wanted to use more foundation to cover dark circles; luckily she had showered and got dressed. She wore a pair of jeans that tightened her waist and a tight but comfortable shirt and finally a pair of ballet flats. Klaus took off his jacket, dropped it on a chair, and followed her into the living room.

"She's just a friend," he announced without preamble when she turned to look at him. Caroline blinked: it was certainly not the news she expected, but still, anyway, she was not convinced.

"I thought you were coming to negotiate the promise." she finally commented.

"No, that remains, this time it's your turn."

"Oh! What do you want from me, Klaus? "

She looked him in her eyes.

"I thought you were ready." Klaus admitted softly.

Her heart leapt into her chest.

"Ready for what? To be one of the many joining your long list?"

Klaus looked at her with longing and it caused a shiver down her spine. He looked at her face, her eyes, her lips so sweet that she knew him very well. That night 5 years before her, Klaus kissed her whole body with those lips of hers and made her feel all kinds of unimaginable pleasure. Caroline, too, had then used her lips to excite him to the point of madness.

"You look like someone who has just woken up from a long sleep."

Her words tore her out of her fantasies. Blushing, she Caroline suddenly lifted her eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" he teased, giggling.

"Did you remember the last time we were together in Mysticall Falls?"

To remember? She seemed to still feel it on her skin as if not years had passed, but only a few minutes.

"It was a mistake" she replied automatically.

"How do you know? You always refused to test me. "

"I don't need to touch the fire again to know it will burn me."

Too late, Caroline realized that she had misplaced her words, because a flash of her flashed into his eyes, filling hers.

"Interesting choice of words. And what happened to us? " murmurs.

"I do not know."

And in response, he silenced her by placing a finger on her lips. For a moment they were silent, looking into her eyes; then Klaus slid a finger along her chin and throat in a silent caress. Finally he touched her neck, feeling the shudder of her skin.

"It was nice, wasn't it?" he asked, lightly rubbing her throat with his finger.

"Best sex I've ever had."

She swallowed hard, parted her lips. She tried hard not to think about it, but it was true: this had been the most sensational night of her entire existence.

"Should I feel flattered?" she challenged him.

"Lucky, rather, since you were the first to have all of me ... not just my body."

"Pain and Gain".

"Yes, it's true. And I would be willing to pay ".

Caroline held her breath.

"What should I give you in return?"

"Nothing compared to what I could give you."

My goodness!

"I'm not right for you and you certainly aren't right for me. I'm not the kind of person who shares what is his, I want the right of exclusivity. I don't want to be one of many: I'm Caroline Forbes ".

"How much, more, do we have to be separated to understand that we belong together?"

"You put power first of all ..."

"It was you who said you wanted to finish the collage, that you had plans for your future, and it was always you who wanted to have sex with me just because I would keep my promise and leave."

"So now what is it you want? Sex to avenge you? "

An enigmatic smile spread across her lips.

"You'll use it as an excuse, if it were to be just as explosive!"

She caroline tried to deny it, but his mouth covered her lips before she could say a word.

Five years ... She had been living for five years with the memory of what it meant to be her kissed and possessed by Klaus again. In an instant, however, the memory was shattered by an even more vivid reality. He kissed her languidly, as if he wanted to enjoy a sweet drink of her and had plenty of time to savor it. It was intoxicating and she couldn't resist. Klaus slipped his hands on her buttocks and pulled an undeniable erection against her. Caroline felt her nipples swell, pressing against his chest muscle. Up until now, she'd thought her memories of her were exaggerated, but the truth was that Klaus actually met all of her expectations of her, in fact, much more. He was Klaus Mikaelson, a man who, no doubt, acted with a double purpose and it didn't help that he showed his sexual attraction. Caroline stiffened, drew back, and he, reluctantly, let her go. They looked into her eyes, breathing hard. Klaus was the first to regain control. Caroline didn't even want to imagine what she looked like she might have: flushed cheeks, swollen lips. She put a hand to her mouth, but realizing that Klaus was watching her, she stopped quickly.

Shocked by sudden irritation, she said: "Are you happy now that you have marked your territory?"

"S." Klaus said, heedless of the anger surrounding Caroline.

"What do you want from me now?"

"I want you. I want only you. I've always wanted only you. "

Caroline widened her eyes until she couldn't widen them anymore.

"And ... and the blonde girl?"

"There is no other blonde girl that I want to have by my side but you."

Klaus moved towards her and she held her breath. He was the manipulative and authoritarian man of all time, but another story could be read on his face: a story that spoke of feelings and desire.

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Author space:

Hello = D

I guess there is no better chemistry than Klaus and Caroline, not just because they're my favorite couple.

I think I have inter-created their characters a bit, even if it's really difficult to frame them because they have so many facets that it could take whole chapters.

This is the penultimate chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and then, after all, how could it end if not like this?

TheDreamer92creators' thoughts
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