
The Vitricites Species

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter 


They didn't know that only a single person had returned out of the five they sent, till he stepped out of the spacecraft.

"Jvarvi?" Voices were heard from the background as he stepped into their midst.

"Where are the others?"Handler three inquired with a concerned look.

"They sent me back alone to come and give a message that would explain everything that had happened in the last three months," Jvarvi answered while bringing out a small pocket device.

"You all are going to want to see this," He added while handing it over to handler three.


Minutes later, all of the handlers had gathered in a massive hall. They were all watching the projection that displayed footage of Vilax, Milox, and Osiark. The whole place had descended into quietness as they focused on the joint narration of the trio. 

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