

They looked at each other. ‘Luca.’


If he gets his hands on it Alora will find out that it meant nothing. Which meant she would leave them, they had to find them quick before Luca told her anything.

‘We have to find them.’


And they’d gone.

Luca and Alora lay on his bed, it was growing dark, they'd all ate, she'd fed and changed the twins with Lucca’ s help, she smiled maybe she should’ve given him a chance with their son before but she couldn’t change anything now. The twins were finally asleep and Luca had placed his arm around her pulling her close to him. ‘So tell me how you managed to get out the house with all of the security watching your every move.’

She laughed.

‘What’s so funny?’

‘I laced their drinks.’

He was now interested. ‘What with?’

‘A sleeping pill I think, I’m not sure. I found them in a bag stashed under the pipe work.’

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