
Long...painful stares

Walking hand and hand, me and Alexander go up the steep hill to the pack house. Today, we’ve gone a different way, since they captured Sasha. This is the first time I’ve been here since she was caught, all I could remember is the way she looked at me. Those cold, beady eyes launching into my soul. Yes, I’m scared of her, but she may have information that I want, no, need.

“Are you alright?” His eyes scan over my brown ones.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Beneath the ok’s and small smiles I'm hiding a secret, or rather a plan. Hopefully, Alexander run’s off and has some business elsewhere. If this happens, I can sneak off and find Sasha, last night I was up all-night running questions in my head. She does make the hairs on my arm stand up, so I’ll start off slow.

Holding the door open for me, I walk inside the pack house. The smell of muffins and fear float throughout the air, I must be the only one smelling the fear.

“Hey Alexander!” Standing against the cream painted walls a man, probably around 25 or so, wave us over. He looks at me with curiousness, then realization comes over him. “You must be Quinneth, nice to meet you I’m Oscar. I’ve heard so much about you.” He reaches out his hand for mine. Clutching it close between it I can feel his hand muscles squeezing on mine, what a firm grip he has.

“I’m Quinneth, and I’ve heard nothing about you.” Sarcasm fills the room. Honestly, I have heard nothing about him.

“Of course you haven’t.” He flashes a straight-white smile in my direction, if I kept looking, he may put me in a trance. “He most likely didn’t introduce me because I’m more interesting than him.” He jokes, as he laughs his blonde bushy hair moves ever so gently.

“Don’t listen to him, he wants to be like me ever since we were chaps.” Chaps? What American is saying Chaps?

“Alexander can be somewhat of a loser.” I add in. He looks at me in disbelief, the shock that his girlfriend would turn on him confuses him.

“I like her, fire this one has. Alex, I need to talk to you for a minute, do you mind parting with him?”

“Sure- I can wait over there.” I walk away, leaving them to their conversation.

Slowly, I walk through the picture decorated halls. I find myself being compelled by all the people in the photos, who are these people. First, I see a woman sitting ethereal on a golden chair. Her long midnight hair lays firmly on the floor as the brown orbs stares straight into me. She’s so beautiful, she sits upon that chair like a goddess. Almost like she owns the room, squinting my eyes to the bottom of the picture I see it was painted in the year of 1830. Wow, interesting I’ll ask Alexander about this.

Behind me are a long line of photos, it stretches from the living room all the way to some offices. The first date starts at 1243, a slight gasp leaves my chapped lips. This must be all the Alpha’s of the pack, running quickly through the hall I reach the last guy. Alexander’s father stands firmly against a bluesish-black background. The picture was taken in the 80’s, him and his father look so alike it’s uncanny. Next to his picture I see a naked slot, this must be for Alexander, how beautiful he’ll look in his photo. I wonder where the woman’s photos are?

“Like what you see?” I jump up like a scared cat at the voice behind me. Alexander stands with an amused expression on his face. Most likely excited that I’m think or wondering about him.

“Is this yours?” I find my hands still resting firmly on the naked frame. Strong arms snake around my waist, I rest my head against him feeling his heart beat at the base of my head.

“It is, once my father dies, or abdicates, I’ll be Alpha and my studious picture will be planted on it.” I can hear the proud in his voice, he’s so ready for this but am I though. Will people even listen to me, respect me?

“Are you- you know afraid of leading people.” His heart starts to race a little bit against my head, he’s nervous for what I don’t know.

“Sometimes. I lay at night looking up at the ceiling, wondering If I’ll be as great as my father and ancestors who were Alpha’s before me. Then I remember how good I am at leading, and how I love to lead and conquer. Yes, I'll be scary but as you do it, I’ll be fine. I’m assuming this question was mostly directed towards you.” He kisses the top of my head, tingles run throughout my body.

I turn around in his strong grip, my hands hold his head. “You’ll be the best Alpha anyone has ever seen, and me at your side you’ll be amazing.” I plant my lips softly on his, he smiles against them.

“How did I get such a good mate?” Those majestic, god-like eyes bare into my soul.

“Thank the moon goddess.” As me and Alexander have our moment, footsteps come around the corner. It’s Aren and Christian, both their eyes bulge open, shocked at our intimacy. I push Alexander away from me, readjusting myself.

“Hey Christian...and Aren.” I say detailed. The last time I got their names mixed up with each other, god that was so embarrassing, still in this moment I haven’t forgiven him.

“Hey.” They say in unison.

Christian continues the conversation, “Alex, we need you..some business needs to be attended to. You busy?” He looks between me and Alexander, unsure. Aren stands idle by, she plays with the strands of her black hair. When's she not looking so scary, her face is beautiful.

“Uh yeah sure I’ll be there; are you ok with me leaving you. If you're not I’ll totally stay with you.” I rub his arm; he relaxes from my touch.

“Go do what you have to do. I’ll- find something to do.” He quickly kisses my cheek and heads off with his friends. Aren pushes Alexander against the wall, and he puts her in the headlock. I love how carefree and loving he is with them.

An hour goes past and I find myself bored of my mind. What is there to do around here, the tan walls are zoning in on me I have to get out of here. Walking down the hall I find myself in the town. It’s as nice as it was last time I was here, but now there are fewer people walking around.

As I walk down the street, I see a few people staring at me, whispers fill the St. Helena air. Is it because I’m a human? Or is there something in my hair, I fish my fingers through my hair nothing.

To get away from the onlooker I rush into the first place I see. The bell rings under me as I walk in, from the moment my first foot entered in the restaurant even more people look at me. I could walk out of here, as quickly as I came in, but where else could I go. Alexander is off with Aren and Christian god knows where.

Letting out a deep sigh I head towards the worn-out door, but before I leave, I hear someone calling my name. Turning around swiftly I see Skipper, Christian’s sister, waving for me to come over. Should I go? She’s already seen me can’t run now.

Badgering my way through the thousands of eyes on me, I instantly sit down at their table.

“Ok then, make yourself comfortable hun.” She pops a crispy fry in her mouth, her purple braces reflect off the metal tins.

“Sorry, um I needed somewhere to go. Everyone keeps-”

“Staring at you.” She finishes up my sentence, I nod at her. “You're like the new shiny toy, everyone wants to play and stare at you. We don't have lots of new people that come here.” Seems like it.

“I can’t believe Joey hasn’t answered my texts. I ought to beat his a-”. She stops quick in her sentence, her eyes fall on me confused as to why I’m here and who I am.

“Who’s brown eyes.” She blows a bubble with her gum.

“Aora this is Quinneth, Quinneth this is Aora Parbat." Aora keeps her eyes fixated on me as she slides in next to Skipper. "She's the Gamma's daughter." She's Aren's sister, I can see the similarity.

“You're THE Quinneth.” What’s that mean?

“I guess I am. Never been one to be a celebrity.” I say sarcastically.

“You are, so get used to it. Nothing will ever be the same.” She guzzles down some diet doctor peeper, damn she can drink.

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