
Golden Summit Pack

“Uhhhh.” Alexander mutters out.

I let out a deep sigh, “Just ignore her, she’s deranged.” I give him a kiss on the cheek. “Bye.”

“Bye.” He waves as he walks out the door.

“Bye Alexander.” All the girls say mocking me.

I push him out the door so they won’t say anything else to him. As the door close, I lean my head up against the door, humiliated by my ‘so-called’ friends.

“You guys are so embarrassing.” I groan out.

“What do you expect, us to act civilized.” Khadijah says bluntly.

“It’s our job as your friends.” Lyra says chiming in.

“Animals.” I mutter under my breath.

“Mhm who’s this Quinn.” I furrow my brows at her.

“Who’s who?” She points behind me, turning around I see my grandpa stirring up something in a bowl. Looking inside I see that it’s muffin mix, at this time of day?

“This is my grandpa, grandpa these are my friends Khadijah, Mary, Kate and you know Lyra.” They all wave to him, expect for Khadijah who winks.

Glancing at my grandpa’s face I see that he has a small cut above his eye. “Oh, your bleeding, let me get that.” I grab a bunch of my tan sweater and dab away the blood. This sweater is old and batty so having a stain of blood doesn’t really matter.

“Quinneth you don’t have t-.”

“-I’m almost done, just hold on.” I tell him.

“Quinneth stop.” He says in his serious tone, I move away immediately.

“Sorry.” I mumble out.

“I’m a doctor, I can handle it.” Once he says that Khadijah’s eyes light up.

“So, you’re a doctor huh?” She looks at him with curiousness.

“Used to be, now I’m retired.”

“Mhm, well I need some medical attention. I have a G that needs to be spotted.” Her eyebrows move in a seductive way.

“OK! Let’s leave my grandpa alone and go upstairs shall we.” I usher the girls up the stairs.

“But I don’t want to go.” Khadijah whines.

“If you want to live, you’ll go upstairs.” She cuts her eyes at me and walks up the stairs hesitantly.

“Girls, let me know if you need anything.”

“Actually I-.” I cut off Khadijah.

“We won’t need anything, but thank you.”

“What do you guys want to watch?” Lyra asks flipping through Netflix. Kate and Khadijah lay on my bed, while Mary gawks at my paintings. Every time she comes over, she gravitates to the paint section.

“Nothing sappy, I just watched the Notebook and it drained me.” Kate says rolling over on my bed.

“You just now watched the notebook it’s been out for like 10 years or something like that.” Mary tells her.

“I’ve been putting it off, it’s better to watch a movie when you let the eagerness to watch it build up.”

“I got an idea for a movie.” We all turn around to Khadijah. “Now here me out, 365 days.” Everyone let’s out a groan.

“Hell no.” Kate grumbles. “That movie supports Stockholm syndrome.”

“Don’t get all political with me Kate.” Dij waves her finger in Kate’s face.

“It kind of does if you think about it. Saw it on twitter.” I chimed in.

“It’s a sexual fantasy, stuff like 365 days isn’t even something I would argue about.” Lyra says adding to the conversation.

“Ok, so 365 days is off the table. What then?” Mary tries to move the conversation to something else.

“Ginny and Georgia.” I suggest.

“That’s a T.V. show Quinn. Stick on the lines of a movie.” Lyra points to me.

“Obviously we aren’t agreeing on anything or finding a good movie.” I plop down in my furry white chair.

“How about icarly.” Kate grabs the remote from Lyra’s hand and turns it on.

“I like that.”


“Quinn, when did you paint this.” I look over to see Mary admiring my painting of Alexander.

“Umm...like three days ago or something.”

“My sister, Mina, her birthday is coming up. She would love this, could I buy it from you.”

“This is kind of precious to me. I could paint up a new one if you want. Have it done by.... say next week?”

“Perfect.” I walk towards by bed until Mary stops me.

“Hey, I found this on your floor you want it.” She holds up the black lotus necklace that was sent to me from Ida’s floor. I start to back up that I accidently stumble into my stool. The girls turn around, looking at me weird.

“No, that’s not mine.”

“Then who’s is it? It’s in your room. Take it Quinn.”

NO! Ju- sit it behind you.” Fear overcomes me, I find my voice being slightly raised.

“Quinn you, ok?” Lyra asks me worriedly.

“Yeah, you alright it’s just a necklace.”

“Not just any- never mind I’m fine.” Mary sits the necklace on my dresser and then plops on the bed with the girls. While they watch icarly I stare at the necklace.

When Mary touched the flower, nothing happened to her. So, why did it affect me when I touched it. Am I a chosen one or something weird like that? Staring intently at the necklace I sit on my bed and try to readjust myself.

That was so close.

The Next Day...

“This is it then.” I say glossing over the house.

“Yeah, welcome to the Golden Summit Pack.” We stand in front of a big house that spans for miles. It’s got to have at least 3 floors; the windows are grand and I see people inside walking around socializing.

“I did not expect this.”

“What?” He looks down at me.

“I thought, and don’t judge me, that it would be a cave or something.”

“Quinn baby were wolves not barbaric animals.” He says kissing me on top of my head. It all looks so fancy and stuff, I wasn’t expecting this to be so grand and broad.

Walking into the house, I see Alexander’s friends walking my way. I haven’t seen them since the Charity Auction. Embarrassment overcomes me when I remember the incident with Aren and Alexander. She was staring at me, and Alexander brought her over to tell her no to stare at me. From that day on every time I think of it I cringe.

“What’s their names again I forgot.” I whisper to him.

“Aren and Christian.” I give him a weird look.

“Those are both boy names, who’s who?” He doesn’t answer me once they both walk up with me.

“Aren, Christian you remember Quinn.” They both stare at me like I’m a different species. In a way we kind of are, well I don’t really don’t know because right now there in human form. I’ll ask Alexander when I get the chance.

“Hi Aren.” I say shaking the guy's hand. “Christian.” I turn my attention to the girl. They both stare at me, then each other and laugh loudly. “What’s so funny, I want to laugh.” I say slightly chucking awkwardly.

“Quinn, the girl is Aren and the boy is Christian.” I cower into Alexander’s arm from embarrassment.

“I told you to tell me the difference between the two.” I pull him by his arm.

“I didn’t hear you.” He says letting out a laugh, I’m so going to make him pay.

“I’m sorry, if you can’t tell I’m nervous.” I speak.

“I can tell.” Behind Aren and Christian a girl with braces comes around. “The names Skipper, Skipper Holt.” She shakes my hand.

“Quinneth. How can y-.” She cuts me off.

“I can read emotions.” That’s kind of cool. Alexander didn’t tell me that wolves can have special abilities.

“Isn’t my sister impressive?” Christian says pulling Skipper into a hug. So, their brother and sister.

“Yeah, she is.” I smile at the both of them.

“Ok, I’m talking Quinneth on a tour. We’ll see you guys later.” We wave bye to them as we walk into the pack house. Once we walk in everyone, and I mean everyone turns around a stares at us.

“Why are they staring at us?” I ask clutching onto his hand.

“Their not staring at us, their staring at you.” Ok, if this happens every time we walk in a house I’m going to freak out. This is going to be very interesting.

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