
Conversation over cookies and hot chocolate


I sit down the chocolate cookie that I was eating on the plate and walk over to the microwave. Grabbing the oven mite, I take out the hot, steamy cups of water and sit them on the counter.

"You almost done!" I hear my Grandfather scream from the living room. "The show is about to start."

"Almost just a minute." I responded back to him. Tonight, is our Tom and Jerry marathon night. Every year the television station shows a marathon of Tom and Jerry and we have yet to miss it.

I open up two packs of hot chocolate and pour them into the hot water. Grabbing the spoon right next to me I stir up the chocolate until it's fully submerged in the water.

"I'm coming in!" I tell my grandfather. In one hand I hold the hot chocolate and in the other I hold the plate of chocolate cookies.

"Yes. It smells wonderful Quinneth." My Grandfather says while he leans up and grabs the hot chocolate from me. Sitting the cookies down on the coffee table I wrap the white fluffy blanket around my bodice and plop down on the couch.

"You're welcome. I hate to brag, but these chocolate cookies that I made are amazing." I lay my legs on top of my Grandpa's lap and snuggle up in the couch.

"I bet they are." My Grandpa responded back.

He hands me my hot chocolate and I thank him. Moving the mug around in my hand I analyze it. This was the mug I made in the 4th grade for my Grandmother. The handle and cup are not proportioned to the same size, the color was dark pink with white flowers around the cup. I remember being so proud of this cup. I leaned the cup towards my mouth and took a sip of it, the warm liquid slid down my throat.

Tom and Jerry enter onto the screen. Me and my Grandpa burst out in laughs. It's the scene where Tom is trying to stab Jerry with a needle in the pool table. I continue on watching the show then slowly drifting to thinking about Myers.

I mean who was that girl? Was she an old girlfriend, or was she someone he was cheating on me with? He hasn't been calling or texting me lately, I just thought it was because he was mad at the whole Alexander situation. Maybe it was because he was moving on from me. I've grown quite fond of Myer's and I love the time we spend together. Maybe our time is up.

My mind moves on to Alexander. He may be a cocky douche at times, but he's sweet and caring towards me.

He clearly likes me, but my feelings towards him are confusing. Every time we touch hands, I get this spark that tingles throughout my body. Not an electrocuting spark but a spark that feels nice and I would like to feel it again. The night at the charity auction was the best night I've ever had in a long time, I felt alive.

"Quinn you alright?" My grandfather asked with curiousness all over his face. I leaned over and placed my hot chocolate on the coffee table. Pushing myself off the couch I come face to face with my Grandfather.

"Can I ask you a question Gramps?" I asked.

"You know you can ask me anything." He responded back.

"So, you know how I have been dating Myers." I told him. He gives me a nod.

"Ok so lately he hasn't been talking to me because of what happened at the charity auction thing. We just made up today, but I don't feel convinced that he's over it."

"What happened?"

"Well Myers was going to bid on me, then another guy bids 10,000 dollars on me and beats out Myers." I said to my Grandfather. In response to what I just said he chokes on his cookie. I pat him on the back he soon calms down.

"10,000 dollar!" He screamed out.

"I said the same thing and had the same reaction."

"Let me guess Myers is jealous of the guy and thinks that you and his rich guy have something going on."

"Exactly. Oh, and check this yesterday me and Lyra went to go drop off the applications and we saw him across the street with some girl, and he kissed her on the cheek." I tell him leaning over the coffee table for a cookie.

"Maybe that was his mom." He said reassuring me.

"That's what I said, but she looks our age it couldn't be."

"You need to take a break from him and figure out what next steps you want to take. Also, confront him about what you saw and see if there was more to this encounter."

"Ok." That's why I love talking to my Grandfather he gives the best advice. Most kids my age would be scared to talk to their parents or grandparents about their romantic lives. Growing up all I had was mostly my Grandfather he assured me that I could talk to him about everything and I do just that. He's my best friend, Lyra coming in the first though.

We continue talking until I hear a beating on the front door. Who could that be at this hour? I take the blanket off of me and head to the door.

"Calm down I'm coming!" I screamed to this person behind the door. Opening up the door I'm greeted by Lyra. She's wearing a dark blue satin dress with platform butterfly shoes. Her red hair is curled with loose waves that flow down her back. She's supposed to be going on her date with Jack what is she doing here?

"Ly what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on your date with Jack?" I asked her.

"Yeah I am. I just need your help." She said desperately.

"Who is that?" My grandfather yells from the living room.

"It's Lyra!" I responded. "Come in." I opened the door wider so she could come in. Me and Lyra walk into the Livingroom. Grandfather turns to me and Lyra.

"Lyraina you look amazing." My Grandfather says to her.

"Thank you I know." She says cocky like. "I got to get going real quick so." She said pointing at her wrist.

"We will be up in my room. I'll be gone a few minutes." He gives me a nod and turns his attention back to the TV. Lyra yanks me by my arm up to my bedroom.

"Jesus Ly almost pulled my arm off." I said rubbing my hand on my sore arm.

"Sorry Jack is waiting for me in the car outside. I needed to drop by to borrow your Grandmother's Tiffany drop earrings." She said looking around my room for them. I pointed towards my jewelry box.

"Don't lose them Lyra they mean a lot." I tell her crossing my arms. My Grandfather bought those earrings for my Grandmother and his first anniversary. He told he had to save up for three years to buy her those earrings.

They are the one thing she left to me when she died.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

If you have any questions, suggestions or found some grammar mistake that I made just DM me on instagram @thugs_be_like

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