
Fels. (2)

" I will immediately take care of it. " Fels answered.

He has the same thoughts with Ouranus. Fels also believe that this matter should be taken care of immediately, and that's for two reasons.

First was because he and Ouranus have an agreement with the Xenos, it wasn't wrong to say that they are currently allies.

Ouranus was supplying them with different kinds of things like food, armors, weapons, clothes------ and sometimes even alcohols. In return, the Xenos are doing dangerous missions for the guild------------ mostly at the deeper levels of the dungeon. Of course, these are all done in extreme secrecy.

Whether it's exploration, clearing a certain types of monsters, finding rare minerals etc. It is a give and take relationship between the two party.

The other reason was that, the existence of the Xenos was currently very delicate. They cannot be known to the public right now no matter what because that will surely bring chaos, fear and confusion to the general populace. The fewer the people that knows about their existence, the better. All for the sake of Orario's peace and order.

Having said all of that, those hunters are clear threats, so they have to be dealt with as soon as possible.

" One more thing, Ouranus. " Fels pulled something out of his robe. It's a rolled parchment made out of monster hide. " This is the report given by the Loki familia's leader, Finn Deimne. It's about the events of their previous expedition. "


Ouranus didn't respond so Fels began reading everything that's written on the parchment. After awhile..

" What do you think about this matter, Ouranus? "

The report talks about a new type of monster that spawns in a incredibly huge number. Not only that, these monsters also has an acid that can melt even high quality metals like mythril and adamantite.

The elderly deity quietly closed his eyes at the question and didn't reopen them until he answered.

" Those monsters are undoubtedly new species and a dangerous one at that. But most of all.. "

The deity's gaze fell onto Fels.

" I want to know, whether they are connected to 'that' thing.. "

A heavy silence followed.

Crackle! A spark burst from one of the torches. Fels seemed to have understood what Ouranus is talking about. His hood shifted forward, indicating a nod.

" As you will, Ouranos. I shall find it out "

Inside a peaceful chamber of stone...a black robe figure stepped back as it disappeared into the darkness. O.-.0


Swish! Shiiiiisss!

A barely audible rustling sounds whistled by the grassy area of the dungeon's nineteenth floor.

Lush of plant life covered this area. And unlike all the other floors before this, the walls here are covered with tree bark instead of stones. It's like this whole place was the inside of a gigantic hollow tree.

Grasses bents down, like as if they are being stepped on by something or by someone though the place was currently empty. Even the footprints that's left behind can only last for a few seconds before they disappear magically.

" Raaaaaaaaaaawwrrr! "

" Aaaaah!! Help me!! "

" Lloyd no!! "

" Continue running!! "

At one corner, a group of adventurer were being pursued by a small swarm of deadly hornets. Two of them are already unconscious and were being carried by their other party members. Exhaustion and fear can clearly be seen on their faces.

A sudden cry was heard. One of them had been stung on his left shoulder.

These deadly hornets are huge, more than a meter tall. Just a single hit from their needles drilled a fist size hole on the poor adventurer's torso.

That attack sent the adventurer on the ground, wriggling in extreme pain. Five deadly hornets quickly surrounded him and was about to give the finishing blow.

When suddenly..

Bam! Bam! Crackle!

Two powerful shock waves came towards their direction. These shockwaves are strong enough to send five deadly hornets flying and were slammed heavily on the wall.

The adventurers became stunned, confused for a moment, not knowing what happened. But seeing that their party member was fine, they were glad and quickly helped him get up before they bolted towards the exit.

Those shock wave attacks was indeed strong but, it wasn't strong enough to bring real damage to the deadly hornets' iron-like carapace. These adventurers knows this very well so they didn't waste time and flee immediately.

""" THANK YOU FOR SAVING US! """ they shouted without looking back.

Theseed adventurers knew that someone had saved them but they didn't have time to thank or to know who it was due to their dire straits.

Standing on the side, Fels lowered his arms covered with gauntlets that are made out of unknown metals. Still wearing his invisibility cloak, he sent more shocwaves to the remaining deadly hornets to prevent them from pursuing those adventurers.

After knocking them all out, Fels took out three bottles of greenish liquids and threw them towards the monsters before he made his way towards the twentieth floor. Behind him, green smoke came out after the three glass bottles broke. This green smoke quickly spread out and covered all the deadly hornets which started wriggling upon contact till eventually, stopped moving------- all dead.


Fels continue moving deeper on twentieth floor. What happened earlier was only a small episode of the events he encounters everytime he went inside the dungeon. It's not a big deal at all.

He knowingly pave his way forward, towards the deepest part of this floor just like nothing happened.

Until finally…

He'd arrived at his destination.

The room was a long rectangle, about ten meters wide. The ceiling was just as tall too. Tree bark covered the walls and canopy, just like every room he had passed by on the way, and it was all carpeted with Lamp Moss.

Green grass and an assortment of small white rings came together to form a flower bed growing out of the floor like a patchwork garden.

Maybe it's because the pantry was nearby, but the deep-green quartz that resembled emeralds stuck out from the floor, walls, and ceiling in every direction.

The sight can take any normal adventurers' breath away but Fels simply treated them like any other ordinary stones. He completely ignored them.

Instead, Fels took out a small golden orb from his robe's pocket before whispering, " I had arrived, Lido. "

Then he put the orb back to his pocket once again and waited.

Time passed by. And just over a minute later..

Crackle! Crackle!

One of the huge quartz on the wall broke, revealing a hidden corridor behind. Two figures came out, a red-skinned Lizard and a beautiful Serene.

" Long time no see, Fels. "

" It's been a long time, mister Fels. "

" Yes it is. "

The three of them greeted each other before Fels followed them inside.

The dungeon automatically repairs itself in due time, but the broken quartz here recovered abnormally fast. Just less than a minute later and it returned back to how it was before. Completely hiding the corridor once again like as if nothing happened.


""""" WOOOOOOO!! """""

A burst of sounds roared through the room.

The monsters that had been waiting inside an empty cavern were celebrating. The red-cap goblin applauded, harpies on the ground skipped excitedly.

The formoire pumped its enormous fists into the air, albeit slowly. Al-miraj wearing a polo hopped around in circles. The cheers continued. They all warmly welcomed the arrival of their ally, Fels.

Well, all of them aside from a small group of monsters sitting on the side with an iron gargoyle as their leader.

" Hit the lights! "

Lido's booming voice cut through the celebration to issue orders.

Hellhounds and other agile monsters brought the magic-stone lamps out from hiding places in the rock landscape and flipped them on using claws or fangs.

The celebration of monsters continued while Fels and Lido moved to the side to talk. Fels came here on the sole purpose of getting the reports, this matter was most important and should be done right away.

" How's your mission, Lido? "

" Ha-Ha-Ha. It was a success. Though we haven't reached the deepest area yet because of those strange plant monsters. Those guys are pretty hard to deal with. "

" Plant monsters? " Fels was quite surprised.

" You've never seen something like this monster before? "

" I have not. None of us here actually. It's a very new one and a strong one at that. Normal landform weapons can't deal any damage on these type monsters at all. If not for the weapons you have us last time, we probably have had a harder time dealing with them. "

The lizardman, Lido then continue telling everything to Fels who quietly listened with seriousness.

The doubt inside him grew even bigger.

Fels had just reported a new species of monsters and now, here's another one. Feels can't help but think of a probability that these two things are connected.

" Ohh, and there's one more thing Fels, though it wasn't connected with the mission you gave us. " Lido said after remembering something.

" What is it? "

" Well, a day ago..... "

Lido began telling Fels another story.

It's started with the Xenos hearing news about a certain monster at the twelfth floor pantry that was behaving oddly. With the probability of that monster also being a Xenos, Lido sent their two scouts to look for it. The al-miraj, Aruru and a hellhound.

But by the time these scouts arrived there, they witnessed a slaughter. A white-haired boy, fighting against a whole lot of monsters on his own.

" So that orc wasn't a Xenos in the end? "

" That's right, it's only a wicked evolved monster according to Aruru. But that's not the point here, Fels. It's that white-haired boy. " Lido pressed on. " A level one adventurer that's able to fight fight against a thousand of monsters and even defeated two Minotaurs! Wasn't that unbelievable?? "

" That's true.. But we are not clear if that adventurer is really just a level one, Lido. "

" You have a point there. I am not very clear about you, adventurers level but I had fought with some level two adventurers before, Fels. Though they are not that bad, I highly doubt that they are capable of doing similar to what that white haired human did. "

Fels fell silent, he can't deny what Lido said.

The lizardman's was filled with fighting spirit as he whispered under his breath.

" I want to fight him. "




It's holiday, and I have quite a lot of time today. Enough for me to construct another chapter. Sigh, it's been so long since I've had this much free time...

Anyways, this weaker version of Ainz Owl Gown might play a huge part in the future of this story so I've decided to give Fels his time to shine. A whole chapter just for him!


Also, I've created a PayPal account for this book. If you want to support me, you can see the link at the end part of the " Synopsis " of this book. I already updated that synopsis too. You can visit and look at it anytime you want.

That's only optional of course but, yeah, it will surely help me lessen the burden of the expenses I have to spend in writing this book.

That's all I wanted to say. Hope you'd enjoyed this chapter. See you next time.


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