
Introductions and Impressions

The next day, Myra reached LSE on time for her department orientation. She saw many familiar faces. They either nodded or smiled at her. Then there were some new ones. Among them, was Alice Dane. She took her seat at the end of the table, opposite Myra. She looked at Myra and nodded. Myra's heart twitched and she felt uneasy. There was something about Alice that made her cringe. 

And then, like a breath of fresh air, Kevin walked in and stirred up everyone. He shook hands and exchanged pleasantries with some and nodded to others with a simple 'Hi'. 

  He spotted Myra and smiled, " Good Morning!" 

"Good Morning!" she replied

  He came up and sat next to her. Myra instantly felt a warm feeling of security. She knew she could trust him; he was safe. 

"How are you?" he said

"Good." She replied with a smile. "And you?" 

"Wonderful." He replied strongly. 

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