
Journalist and his Alliance

Vol. 3 - Chapter 18 - Journalist and his Alliance




Morgan was received with hospitality by Vlad who showed him around the city, similar to the mermaid guest Kaia who was still waiting for his response in regard to giving help to the fishman cause.

The journalists' eyes were captivated by the clean architecture of Sol which was Kavos's Masterplan to have everyone building their houses respecting standards enforced by the Government formed by Vlad and the councillors.

"Your Highness, your capital city is truly one of the possible jewels of this world. I can say this without feeling like flattering you, Sagletius is up there putting to shame all the other capitals, it looks even better than Water 7 or Los Angel from Bollywood."

"Haha, come on Mr. Morgans aren't you flattering my city now? There's still so much work to be put in this place and the other cities of my kingdom. Just so you know Sol was a backwater swamp 4 years ago, and what you see is just what I managed to invest in those years."

"Truly impressive. Then Your Highness are you implying I am bound to watch some surprises, if I settle in Sagletius?" asked Morgans walking side by side with Vlad, making a weird contrast between Vlad who was 1,89 meters and albatross man who was 3 meters.

"Indeed, but I can promise you that my reforms and reconstruction of Sagletius and Kaysang will not affect your business. Shall we go to a restaurant and continue our talk in more detail there?" asked Vlad as they were returning from their tour of the Wisdom Palace, Serene and Dawn.

"Mister President, you can go with His Highness. We got Leif here to guide us around, showing us interesting places Sagletius has to offer." said one journalist to Morgans understanding that both leaders had to discuss some important things.

Morgans turned to look at Leif and his employees, and seeing Leif nod in agreement with the task, he followed Vlad separating from the group and walking toward a secluded place of Sol, where the buildings were slightly older and out of order.

'Could it be? He plans to do something on me and force my hand? There is even that suspicious shadow around buildings following us.'

"Just a bit more and we will arrive at the restaurant." commented Vlad, moving toward old Marcus Restaurant that had his front unchanged.

Stepping inside, he could see that new fresh meat was tasked with the serving of clients taking over Ricardo's job, who in general were the same guys, but compared to how their appearance was 4 years ago, now they looked like respectable gentlemen.

"Welcome, sir."

"Greetings to you too young man, I require the secluded room."

"That… Wait, you seem familiar to me. Are you by chance?" asked the young man, who meet Vlad for the first time inside the restaurant, but clearly, he looked familiar.

"Jojy, take him to the room, no questions asked." said the voice of another young man from the kitchen, which woke the absent-minded boy, into taking Vlad and Morgans to the secluded room.

Passing past the main room of the restaurant where it was for the general public, he entered a passageway, where three closed doors awaited. While he walked, from another direction of the hallway, a door opened releasing the smell of food cooking, and revealing a young man about 16 years old whose expression turned surprised when looking at Morgans.

Nevertheless, he moved past appearances and said to Vlad in an apologetic tone.

"Big brother excuse Jojy, he is new on the job and since Pops stopped from cooking too much, he left much of the hurdle to me. You have inside the private room the menu with some new foods I introduced." said the young man, that Vlad was rather familiarized when he constantly had to eat at old Marcus place.

"Don't stress yourself too much little Ricardo. Prepare the usual stuff for me and this gentleman, and fetch me some strong wine from the cellar."

"Understood. It will take about 15 minutes, big brother."

"Sure, sure, take your time, Ricardo. Just get me the wine, and I will not whine about the food being cold." said Vlad with a smile as he stared at the young man who grew up a lot since the first time he saw him.

"Got it."



Morgans couldn't say anything in these moments, not being in his waters in this environment, he followed Vlad, entering a spacious room with clean decoration, and a large table holding couches for more people.

'Could this be his restaurant that he uses to hold meetings with important people? Seems quite far off from what I had in mind, holding the meeting inside his castle, where he could show off his Royal Status. Yet, here in a restaurant? It is too casual even for my standards.' thought Morgans after he observed the room taking a seat on a couch opposite to where Vlad sat.

"You don't like the place? I assure you, in this place, no one will bother to even listen to us. As for the shadow you might have noticed using your Inner Energy, that is my chief bodyguard."

"So that person is your bodyguard. Then I see no problem. I am used to being spied on regularly, having my calls tapped by the World Government, no problem for me after 10 years in the journalism business."

"For a person as yourself, Mr. Morgans, you sure hold a life story able to captivate any person's imagination. However, I assure you, my scientist has tinkered with the snails' signals and my kingdom has it's unique frequency as he calls it."

"Wow, that's something new. Doesn't this mean you don't have to worry about having your calls listened to by spies and unwanted people."

"In general, that's the idea, I don't know how protected I am since technology evolves constantly. What we think to be impressive this year, might sound bland and boring after 5 years."

Talking about some casual things, before the new server came bringing a bottle of wine that had dirt and spider webs on the glass, and doing a respectful bow, he left the room.

"Hehe, that kid probably was scolded by his new boss. Putting too much stress on kids is no good. Don't you think so Mr. Morgans?"

"I can't interfere with what you do in your kingdom, but if I would give my opinion, I would employ those youngsters at 14 years old to start as trainees of the craft."

"Hmm, I agree on that too, since from that young age they are able to start a family if they ever wanted. Ahem, but I try to push them a bit more into learning until the age of 16-18."

"Schools for children, that's really rare even in the world since it is really costly. The University in your city could be a centre of culture for this entire region of South Blue." said Morgans, thinking about the potential of schools and universities as he was drinking the strong wine.

He could see Vlad give him a small smile before he turned serious into mentioning to Morgans.

"I don't think much about the large-scale effects of my investment, it could happen or not. However, do you know the reason I wanted to invite you and your Journal to my country?"

Raising his head to gaze at Vlad green eyes, he opened his mouth in a severe tone.

"Your Highness, I'll be straight to the point with you. You having me in your kingdom will allow you to hold onto certain information that some people will not even comprehend, this is if I wish to share. Another part is that I can help you with the idea you had, in setting a Lower-scale Journal that would be set in your Kingdom. Aside from this, I might bring calamity on your kingdom, for which I am aware."

"Hoh, I like straightforward people. What you can get from me is simple, I will guarantee your protection against the people you write about in your journals."

Before Vlad could continue Morgans who poured himself another glass of wine asked him in a serious voice.

"What guarantee do I have that you will assist me if for example, the Sea Emperors would actually try to hunt me? What about the World Government."

"Then let me ask you, what would it take for a Sea Emperor to try to hunt you down? For the World Government, there's plenty of subjects that will have them willing to annihilate you. Just tell me about the pirates."

"For example, I could write an article talking about their deals, abuses of power, about their power and so on. I can shame them using the bounty system of the World Government where I have a license to modify certain bounties. Being a journalist at heart it also holds a double edge that could cut my throat if I am not careful."

"Morgans, I can guarantee you as long as you don't have all of them or, two Sea Emperors hunt you at the same time and just one wants you dead, it will take the entire power of a Sea Emperor to destroy my Kingdom and this is overestimating their true power.

My power might not be on par with them, I will be open with you, but like I told an old man who put the problem like you. How would things look in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years? As long you don't do something stupid and allow me to grow in strength you will have in me a strong ally. I am not someone to fully focus on his own power, my Black Army is still growing, I have such talented people that it will put to shame anyone once they start awakening."

Morgans heard Vlad say that without even hiding his intent, which made him contemplate on the chances of his business succeeding if he allied with such a person. He remained quiet that even the food came along steaming in front of his face.

On another hand Vlad, still gazing with his green eyes in a serious manner, didn't even bother himself with the food, keeping in mind all of the facial changes Morgans had put on display. It was clear from how unchanged Morgan's expression was that he was a person of the Underworld, who had his fair share of tense moments.

"There's is potential here even if I was blinded, I could tell this place has a future ahead. The people are hardworking and also open-minded, they weren't even scared by my albatross form. This tells the past they had experienced as you mentioned Prince. You have already built some infrastructure that will help me in my endeavour. There's plenty of people who I can work with."

"You know what? Since I still haven't decided on a headquarters for my business, why not settle it here if I have all these enticing benefits. What else do you have for me, Your Highness?"

"You can pick a place inside my kingdom to build your front place, Sagletius, Valent, Alderhine, Rohanesburg, Ardeny. Nevertheless, I suggest you pick it to Sagletius because this is where the flow of trade and knowledge will enter before spreading around. To draw a line, what I will bring to you is this land, materials to construct the building, and available people to work for you, all with excellent literacy and mental capabilities." added Vlad the entire list of benefits Morgans would have, which made the albatross man reveal an evil smile extending his large wing-like hand for a handshake.

"We got a deal, Prince Vlad. Shouldn't we draft a contract to sign this alliance?" inquired Morgans as he shook hands with Vlad without trying anything shady against one another, before starting to eat the food that was just fine temperature wise.

Vlad also started to eat, while talking to Morgans, informing him that they had all the time in the world to write a contract.

"Do you fear I will scam you? Enjoy the cuisine of my kingdom, Mr. Morgans."

"Quite good. I have nothing to reproach that young cook at the back. It seems I even got food in this new place." laughed Morgans in his specific way, which made Vlad chuckle a bit, commenting on the fact there was a large diversity in food that even he didn't know.

"Mr. Morgans, Kaysang is not only bound by the mainland, my people are also in the neighbouring island, placing the question of culinary taste, everyone diversified. For example, if you go to Picodras you would encounter a unique flavor to the island, while if you would go to Esvir or Lathast another experience will be felt all together."

"Interesting. I will journey around the neighbouring islands since they are part of Kaysang and see for myself. Thanks for informing me of them." thanked Morgans while wolfing on the food and clearing his throat with wine.




After the meeting ended with a success Vlad helped Morgans his company to settle down inside a mansion that belonged to the dead Mayer Loftso inside Dawn City and who he modified with Kavos help into a hotel.

Once they arrived at the mansion, they were surprised to see it was untouched by the war and got a warm welcome from the servants of the mansion who Vlad didn't dismiss, allowing them to earn their bread for their families.

"Morg, are you sure it will be fine to stay here? Doesn't this place look expensive?" asked the blonde woman staring at the three stories high mansion that was like a small-sized castle.

"Kuhaha, I am now the business partner of His Highness Vlad. This is just a small gesture from him helping us settle down in this place. Let's enter and relax, tomorrow we will start the work of putting in place the journal for South Blue. We also need to start looking for capable people to join us and bring us news from this region."

"Mister President, but what about our journalist on Paradise, New World and North Blue?"

"I will inform them of the new changes, nevertheless this will not affect their work whatsoever."

Saying that he stepped first inside the mansion, not even needing to bend his head, followed by his people who looked around the well-decorated place. Inside there was a middle-aged chamberlain along with the maids who mostly were in their twenties and thirties.

"Welcome dear guests. I have received news from the master about your arrival. Your rooms have been cleaned and put in place. Please follow me, I will be guiding you to your rooms." said the chamberlain after bowing his head respectfully, followed by the maids.

"Thanks for the warm welcome. After you mister chamberlain."

Nodding his head with a professional smile, the chamberlain started guiding the journalist toward the first floor where he stopped asking the group with some uncertainty.

"Do you wish to stay separated, or be grouped up two inside a room? Since we got rooms capable of hosting 4-6 people, couples and so on."

Morgans turned his head at his people, asking the men of the group with a wicked smile.

"So what would it be? Be efficient and group in teams of 4 without burdening the maids to clean too much after your mess, or stay alone?"

"We will group up, no problem as long there are beds in the room."

"Don't worry sir, the mansion is equipped to guest even the most prestigious people such as the Celestial Dragons." said the chamberlain to the group starting to take them to their rooms, and remaining with only Morgans and Alice who were taken the master room inside the third floor.

*Whistles* "That's unexpected. Did the Prince build this building for himself or something?" whistles Morgans after stepping inside the room, inquiring about the origin of this building from the chamberlain.

"Ohh, no, no. This is a building he confiscated from a corrupt merchant after he was killed by a certain someone."

"I see, you can stop with the story here. Thank you for guiding us, gentlemen."

"You are welcome, the dinner will be served in the dining room at the base floor at 19:25. If there's anything else you require there's a small dial snail inside the room which would announce us, servants of the mansion immediately."

Nodding his head, while the blonde woman also thanked the chamberlain for the patience and hospitality, the chamberlain retreated from the room, leaving the albatross man and blonde woman.



When night came about for them, after dining and relaxing with satisfied faces, the blonde woman who was beside Morgans, told him with a cute voice.

"Don't tell me you will sleep like this again? You are occupying most of the bed in your albatross form."

"Dear, you know I am a shy person and got attached to my new form. It is hard for me to shift back."

"Stop lying, you just like to be a creep."

"Kuhaha, maybe." laughed Morgans, staring at the blonde woman who was wearing a nightgown arranged by the mansion maids right for her size, while Morgans was also in a silk fabric pajama fitting his large size.

Blowing toward the light oil lamps lighting the room, and with the cover of the darkness, beside the blonde woman, the feathery figure of Morgans shifted back to a human one, making the woman move her head on his chest, and start sleeping.




[A/N: The alliance has been officialized, we'll await the benefits from both sides.]

[What do you think lurks behind Morgan's albatross form? How do you see him looking when he is in human form?]


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