

Yang Dao sensed the fire heating him on the inside and then he gradually calmed down. This was just the beginning. He needed to go to a place abundant in the fire to communicate with the element. With that thought in his mind, he opened his eyes and retracted from the state of meditation. 

However, the excitement in his heart died down. He saw four figures bent to face him. He wanted to run away and never to face them earlier, but while talking to Dallia he found out that what happened was their fault but it was because they did not have complete control of their temperaments. 

Dallia told him, "Yoru familiars will play a significant role in your growth. It is not that I have never received any aid, but the aid was short-lived. The spirits of the four ancient beasts are neutral. They make mistakes but that is because when the incarnation is born, it is tinted by the flaws of the world they are in. 

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