
Old Dog, Let's Fight Again! (3)

Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Elder Sang transitioned from a state of confusion, gradually evolving to the point where he could stay lucid for half an hour each day.

The infernal lineage, with "anguish" etched upon their very backs, held a special regard for talent, cherishing those who could emerge from the depths of anguish.

The infernal lineage had always been protective of their own for these very reasons.

Elder Sang felt that if he were to practice the Ancient Sword Technique, he would now be able to hone a Devil Sword Technique from the depths of cultivation deviation.

Similarly, in the eyes of a genius, the Dead Sea appeared as a profound journey of life and death.

The spiritual techniques that could not withstand the tremendous pressure had completely disappeared, but Sleeveless, Red Scorched Hand, his lifelong masterpiece, evolved along with him.

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