
Call Me Water Ghost! (1)

Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio


"He wants to self-detonate!"

On the day when the Divine Oracle was infused with that chaotic, surging energy, even though others could not hear Yu Zhiwen's voice, they became aware of Xu Xiaoshou's intentions.

To embark on the journey to the afterlife with Rao Yaoyao was his only choice!



No one understood.

Xu Xiaoshou clearly had better options. He controlled the Divine Oracle and could have continued to fight Rao Yaoyao and dragged the battle on while channeling energy into the spatial crack.

He could have dragged it out until the Inner Island seal was completely broken by the overflowing energy.

Someone raised his voice and hit the nail on the head:

"I get it. It's pointless!"

"Xu Xiaoshou saw his fate. He relied on the Eighth Sword Deity's sword cognition, as well as Elder Yan and Sword Saint Rao's negligence, to succeed in the first place."

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