Gorefield- Advanced Nightmare Creature. A parasite that mutated a cat and then mutated again itself to create a race of its own. The monstrosities it made formed a race that loves trading the vertebrae of those they kill. Individuals of this race all possess extremely horrifying appearances and have a tendency to act rashly in murderous intent.
+Gain: Skill, Horrific ShapeShifting (Lv.1/5) (Active)- You shape into a myriad of eldritch abominations, or maybe just maybe you always were an abomination and now you wish to cover your appearance for a reveal of horrific proportions. Whatever the case you may shift your form altering your CHA either positive or negative by +2 per level of this skill. Costs 25 Sp. To revert, it costs nothing. Costs 1 Affinity per level up.
+Gain: Perk, Horror's Delight- For every -5 CHA you Gain 2 Per.
+5 Agi
+20 Per
+6 Ins
-21 Cha
-5 Wis
Elongating Bite (Lv.1/3) ()-
Nightmarish Hunt (Lv.1/3) ()-
Cheshire's Smile (Lv.1/3) ()-
Terrifying Ideas (Lv.1/3)- A skill to help you brainstorm murderous scenarios. Lowers CHA by 2 per level and each level of this skill gives +1 Ing, and +1 Wis. Costs 3 Affinity and 1 per level up.
Shapeshifting Claws (Lv.1/3) (Active)- If you own the Natural Shapeshifter perk. Only then may you purchase this skill. Increase your ING when using your fingers as claws of any sort by 3 per level of this skill. Cost 2 Affinity and 1 per level up.
Nightmarish Actor's Charisma- You can Increase or Decrease your Cha by its reciprocal by temporarily lowering your STR by 5. Costs 4 Talent Points.
Natural Shapeshifter: Allows your body to take on whole or partial shifts in shape following the general genealogy of another creature. Dragons' claws can be shifted from your hand and nails, ect... Your basic stats effect these transformations. ING can boost STR to boost various damages from your body. But various forms can have different stat boosts if acquired with appropriate knowledge. Costs 4 Talent Points.
Frightening Terror- The opposing enemy must roll an intimidation D10 roll for their dice to see whether they're inflicted with a terror status effect when laying eyes upon your character. Also factor in a (User's(ING-Cha)- Opposer's WiL )Duration includes 2 turns and if your character falls into this effect. They can no longer dodge during this duration. They may only attempt to run or attack. Costs 2 Talent Points.
Elder's Foresight- An elder Gorefield uses its future sight to aid you once per encounter. This allows you to counterattack an original direct attack without any additional stamina consumption. Costs 1 Talent Point.