
Day Nine

I was seated down in silence across from Dr. Camel as he read over my report. My assistant, Ms. Jones, was standing to the back like last time. I was a lot more nervous than before because I knew more but I managed to keep up the appearance of relaxedness as I waited for him to finish and give me feedback.

I had managed to fluff up my report and I didn’t think there were any holes in it but I never knew how sharp Dr. Camel’s eyes were. I also had to be ready for any questions he might ask me because Nathan has only spoken to me. That fact alone had confused me at first but now it was all starting to make sense.

Dr. Camel looked up at me, “I see you’ve gotten a name out of him.”

I nodded, “Yes, now we can change it from Patient 000 to Nate.”

I didn’t give them the name of Nathan because it didn’t feel right but I also knew they wanted a name. I didn’t think completely lying about a whole new name would work out because I could slip up. The name had to be something close to Nathan but not his actual name. I think Nate was perfect and simple, and I doubt they would find that suspicious.

“I think keeping it at Patient 000 is easier for people to remember. I think it's too late to switch up names. I don’t think he’ll mind either, seeing as we’ve been calling him that all this time and he hasn’t said anything. Although the information is appreciated and hopefully you turn in more information next time.” Dr. Camel smiled at me as he folded his hands on his desk.

I bit back what I wanted to say and returned the smile, “You’re completely correct and I’m glad to have been of any help, Dr.Camel.”

I stood up from my seat and nodded goodbye to him before leaving his office with Ms. Jones following behind me. We made our way back to my office and I let her in first before shutting and locking the door. I stepped around her and sat down on the couch and looked at her as I debated rather to ask her some questions.

“How are you liking working here so far?” I tested.

Ms. Jones smiled, “I’m liking it very nicely. The pay also helps with my schooling and working here will help me get a better job after college.”

I smiled back at her, “That’s good to hear. No problems here or anyone treating you badly?”

She moved to rest her hand down on the loveseat across from me as she took on a more relaxed stance. It made me feel less tense to see that she wasn’t overthinking me sitting here and asking these questions. It just made me think that Ms. Jones was a simple person and seemed to be happily passing through.

“No problems. Although the security here is really tight and one time I forgot my card and it took like two hours for me to get past. Also, I ran into one of the board members and they asked me a lot of questions and seemed to be kind of snappy but I’m chucking it up to a bad day. Other than that everything has been fine.” She said with a forsure nod.

After listening to what she said I decided that asking her anything wouldn’t go well. I didn’t want her to feel unsafe here too and then leave and mess up her income and future. Plus it's not like she was gonna be here long enough or move up in the chains to be able to be in harm's way. Me asking her questions or telling her anything might result in putting her in actual danger and I didn’t want that.

I also noticed that she said one of the board members talked to her and was asking a lot of questions. I didn’t know if it was the same one who seemed to dislike me and try to lay me for being stupid but I did know that if any of them were asking questions it was best to have distance. Although she seemed unbothered by it and probably answered them all honestly and I didn’t want to put her in the position to lie. I also didn’t want it to turn around on me and Nathan and she actually helps them or something. The less Ms. Jones knew would be better for her and me.

“Well, I’m glad all is well. I just wanted to check in because I didn’t see you yesterday. I’ll only be meeting with Patient 000 today so you can leave early if you want.” I offered up and she brightened up.

“Thank you! I hope it goes well.” She didn’t waste any time leaving, shutting the door behind her.

I let out a sigh and got up to go see Nathan, but this time I grabbed my notebook. I hadn’t taken it with me the last few times and I didn’t want the cameras to catch that happening several times because that would raise suspicion. I didn’t want to add to the fact that someone was already snooping around my stuff.

I made small talk with a few of the nurses inside the Patient 000 area before using my card to enter the meeting room. I sat down and sat my stuff on the floor beside me and straightened up just as the buzzing sound reached my ear, and Nathan came out with a smile on his face. It was the first time I had seen him come out with a smile on his face and I couldn’t help smiling back.

“Nathan.” I greeted him as he sat up at the table.

“Amaya.” He said back and I couldn’t deny the feeling that ran through my body at hearing him say my name.

“How’s the book going?” I asked.

He shrugged, “I stayed up late reading it and I’m finding it very nice. I think I even like it more than the previous book you brought me.”

“You shouldn’t neglect your sleep. It's important.” I informed him, my inner doctor coming out.

He chuckled, “I’ll try to do better at getting sleep. How have you been?”

“Well, considering nothing has happened since yesterday I would say good. Although, I also didn’t get much sleep but not because I was happily reading a book, but because I was paranoid about my safety.” I confided in him.

Nathan frowned, “I don’t think you have to worry about them doing anything right now besides watching you more closely.”

I relaxed a bit, “That’s comforting to know.”

“Glad I could help.” Nathan said softly as a gentle smile graced his face as we made eye contact. I bit back my smile as much as I could but it was still noticeable and once again Nathan’s stare didn’t help. I think he got a kick out of seeing my reaction to how he looked at me and it was like a little game he played.

I cleared my throat, “So why not tell me something about yourself?”

Nathan rested his chin on his hand, “Like what?”

I thought about it, “You never told me what year you were born.”

Nathan sat up straight and he didn’t look as relaxed as he was before but not as tense as in the past either. I didn’t know what the big deal was about his birthday unless he had lied to me but I hope that wasn’t the case. I stared at Nathan as he seemed to debate himself over rather not to tell me the year he was born. I didn’t think something so simple could cause for such hesitation but I did hope he trusted me enough to tell me. I also hope I didn’t have a crush on some eighteen year old.

“You have to promise to believe me and not freak out.” The look on his face was serious.

I nodded, “I promise not to freak out and to believe you.”

Nathan sighed, “I was born on October 17, 1963.”

I stared at him for a moment as my brain processed what he said. Apart of me wanted to laugh and call him out on lying to me but he was staring at me with a dead-serious expression. I had promised to believe him and not freak out but there was no way a perfectly healthy 24 year old was sitting in front of me and claiming to be born in 1963. It made me worry that Nathan was actually mentally crazy and I guess my face showed it because he spoke up.

“I’ve been at Solidary Ridge for a long time. The place opened up in the ’70s and I was admitted here soon after. It's part of why everyone calls me Patient 000 or Subject 000 because I was the first one here. They are eager to know more about the human who hasn’t aged since 24 and seems to surpass them in many other things.” He explained.

“What the fuck?” I found myself mumbling out as I tried to process everything. It started to make sense why there was an entire area dedicated to him and why a doctor had been killed before me coming here. It made sense why my job was so strict and I was at risk because this wasn’t normal at all. Nathan was not a normal human.

And the realization didn’t do anything to dampen the feelings I had.

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