
73. Onslaught of Memories

As the days to the party were closing in, RuQian couldn't escape the onslaught of memories that chased her.

She couldn't help but think about the same party in her previous lifetime and the days that led up to them.

At that time even though Chang Min had chased her, she had never responded back easily, but whenever he called her to go somewhere to eat she would usually accept.

Similarly, once when he called her for dinner once, she had left to meet him. She waited near the restaurant for a while, but he hadn't arrived. She had failed to see two figures nearby, leering at her body.

After some time seeing as there was no one around, the two men dragged her into an empty alleyway, to have their way with her. When she was almost defiled, Chang Min had arrived and managed to save her, and had made sure the men were collected by the police.

RuQian blindly trusted Chang Min from then on and had accepted to be his girlfriend. Looking back on it, it was really easy to figure out all this was planned, but she was just too naive and blinded by her gratitude towards Chang Min to have seen through his plan. And it also didn't help that her father whom she was devoted to and who rarely spoke to her, gushed on and on about Chang Min, and his righteousness.

At that time RuQian had felt on top of the world as she had found herself a caring boyfriend and also attributed her father's likeness towards her as him liking her due to Chang Min's entry in her life.

Her grandfather did express his dislike towards Chang Min, but she never heeded his words. Her grandfather had been able to see the greed in Chang Min's eyes.

After all this, was the party which created a very bad image for her in the socialite circle.

Thinking about the upcoming party RuQian's mind started racing through her past life memories.

In that life a lot of times when she was at parties, either Lu Xu Mei or her colleagues would anger her in some way while Lu Xu Mei acted like a damsel being bullied by her step sister prompting everyone around her take her side.

Like an idiot she would fall for the witch's tricks and make a scene of herself. Looking back at it, Chang Min was never around whenever she made a scene, he would only appear when they were alone and offer her his support.

Seemed like she was really an idiot to fall for all their tricks. A person who wouldn't even stand up for his woman was no man at all!

But it wasn't just about him, it was everyone. She never had anybody take her side and defend her. Whenever she had gotten into trouble she was always alone.

Not her grandfather, not her friend, or that jerk of her boyfriend. She always had to defend herself, take care of herself.

It wasn't that she didn't love her grandfather or Lan Xie for that matter but having no one to lean on was sometimes way too tiring and the sad part of it was she could not even vocalize her feelings.

In the past, both her grandfather and Lan Xie had many times shown their sad expressions when they had not been there for her when she needed them. She could not blame them because it would hurt them.

She had made the mistake of trusting the wrong people and not knowing how to act and speak, so what could she blame others for?

In the party in her previous lifetime, Lu Xu Mei had played pictures of her in that alley when those two men forced themselves upon her. Of course no one knew Lu Xu Mei was the one showing those pictures, but still, the pictures were taken in such a manner that only half of RuQian's face was shown, so her disgust wasn't visible.

People never knew how hurt she was. She had claimed the truth and told everyone Chang Min was there and that the pictures were a misunderstanding, but Chang Min was with the other businessmen trying to curry favour and when the discussion got louder and the men came to see what was going on, Chang Min was nowhere to be found.

He had left, for something urgent, according to his text. Feeling aggrieved she had attacked Lu Xu Mei who was smirking, showing RuQian that this was her plan, but she acted innocent in front of others, and when RuQian pushed her she fell to the floor, crying, wailing and acting dramatically.

This time it would be different though, she had both Lan Xie and Amy by her side, and she was not her past naive self.

She would beat the bitches at their own game.

But she had different options to go about this, so she had to plan carefully. She could act like the damsel, or she could blame Lu Xu Mei but seeing as she wanted to beat Lu Xu Mei at her own game, she wanted to pull down her mask of the white lotus act she always put up.

She did have the video, but she didn't want to show it fully. She knew, she would need the video, at least a part of it.

She remembered how she had been drugged and abducted the previous time, and how she was almost raped, not just in her current lifetime but also in the previous one.

If she wanted she could do something similar to Lu Xu Mei but she wouldn't. That was not her. RuQian, as a person and mainly as a woman, wouldn't do something so extreme unless absolutely necessary. Of course that kind of a punishment shouldn't be given to anyone.

If Lu Xu Mei ever really stirred up too much trouble, she wouldn't mind torturing her and maybe even killing her. But she would never have her raped, that was for sure.

For any woman, dying would be easier than having to face something so dirty. She was no noble person but she knew her boundaries. She wouldn't blink her eyes even if she had to kill a person but she couldn't do something to someone she couldn't bear happening to herself.

That was how RuQian's mind worked, she always believed in Confucius' words, 'Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.'

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